NASSARIOUS & LFS water (please read ok more info provide


New Member
HI , everyone me question is do you think too much nassarius are bad i have 12 big ones and 2 tiny ones i just purchase 10 of them on friday but i know that im gonna have better oxygenated sand bed but at the same time im worry cause when is feeding time the zombies come alive and they stir my LS alot looks like snowing on my tank and im worry to have some amonia spike cause my tank wasnt use to have all that movement on the bed... and they get on the coral and everywere is like the scary movie of zombies :lol3: but after couple of minutes everything settles down and look normal tomorrow ill test my amonia and nitrate before adding them on friday my water quality was:

Amonia .05
Nitrate 10
Nitrite 0
PH 8.1
Gravity .23
temperature 79-80

P.S: the good part is that my cleaner shrimp and green banded are ridding then and seems that they like to play with them :lol3: :lol3:


New Member
I think 12 in a 12 gallon tank may be too much...IMO. the good thing is that I may be able to take a couple off of you...if you want. ;-)



Staff member
I too think you have too many for a 12 gallon tank. I think maybe 4 of the big ones or 3 big ones and the two litle ones should be plenty. Since they are omnivores you could keep them all as long as you feed enough so they get plenty to eat but I would cut back on the number so I wouldn't risk overfeeding the tank.


New Member
i have like 20 of the tiny tiny ones in my 5 gallon... i ordered 25 and got over 50... sold some to my LFS and kept a bunch more than i needed just to see how they did... my peppermint ended up eating like 5 of them, which is okay because most of my hermits immediately changed homes... i havent had any problems yet... the sand looks cleaner, and they get up on the glass when there is nothing else to eat... plus they eat all the left over cyclopeeze which is good since i feed cyclo like 3x a week and there is no way my 1 fish and 2 shrimp can manage to get all the pieces from all the little spots around the tank, but the tiny nassarius can...


New Member
I keep like 20 in my 10 gallon, of the little ones.

never had a problem either.

Ed, I am wondering why the tank gets so cloudy? Was the sand washed before you put it in?


Active Member
I purchased 1 big jumbo last night for my 72 gallon, they didn't have any more. I wanted like 5 total.

I have about 5 smaller ones and feel that I need more movement in my thick sandbed.

Anyone what to recommend how many jumbos I should have in my big reef?



New Member
that sounds like a great idea roonmac and dickie52 having alot of the tiny ones ... know i just have two i should got does instead of the big ones but i like them cause they say that are from tonga and their shells are whiter than the tiny ones ohhh well the big ones i say they are like 1 inch in diameter and the tiny ones like 1cm in diameter... and what about you mike how big are the ones that you whant.... if anyone know someone who will trade my big ones for some tiny ones please pm or tell them to trade with me..:anxious :cryinga: .. im at long beach,ca. :gcool


New Member
i have six or seven in my 15, and never had a problem. they are definitly zombies when the tank gets fed :mrgreen:


New Member
OK... i tested my water again to see if something changed cause of nassarius. has been 3 days since i got them...

PH 8.0 - 8.2
TEMPERATURE 79.4 - 80.9


New Member
nope is always at .22 to .23 and i dont add freshwater only saltwater from my LFS and seems that the gravity is always low (thats why a dont add freshwater just a 1/2 cup when i add my buffer)i guess is their water or something i been thinking for a while that im gonna change place were i get my water why cause i tested the water of them the one i use for my water changes and the tests were ph 8.0 nitrate 10 and gravity .20 so im concern about that is that normal for water from the LFS i get mine at circle pet if is not normal im gonna get it from tongs from know on or jeff's exotics (please guys give me advice) and if so ... is not gonna be shocking for my tank to get the water from other store or i should start by doing a gallon of water change every week for some time and then 3 gallons like always after i while or just like normal


New Member
You may want to get a digi lab , refractometer , or a diffrent hydrometer . Something is not right with that picture I have a feeling that you are way high in the salinity .As for the ammonia and now your nitrAtes it sounds like you had a small cycle of some sort. What are you buffering? What about catilina h20 like mike and dragon use ..........


New Member
i agree with sadie.. look into a refractometer or a different hydrometer... i got two hydrometers off ebay, different brands and model, just to have a second opinion when i need it... there HAS to be some form of evaporation menaing that when you add salt and not fresh the SG goes up... have you cleaned yours out with vinegar like they tell you to? if not... soak your hydrometer in vinegar for a few minutes once a month... it gets all the mineral deposits off of the hydrometer and ensures proper testing...


New Member
I Dont know were dragon79 gets hes water and sorry i didnt meant to say hydrometer what i have is a new model of refractometer the ones that are like $100 that looks like telescope or something like that is just like my water doesnt evaporate that much and the water of LFS is .20-.21 thats why my gravity is low and never goes up more than .23 here is the info.

20lb of LR
and i think not sure like 15 pounds of LS not sure 1 1/2 bags of argonite LS


calcium, magnecium ,luiguis ion

after or days later of my water change: kent marine superbuffer dkh and other day ph buffer (ph always needs a buff ) and Novaqua waterconditioner

for health reasons every 2 weeks garlic mixture (water and clove sitted for 15 min and then i put the liquid in 3rd chamber for circulation)

water changes of 2 1/2 gallosn every friday or saturday.

i feed zyclop ezze at 6pm everyday just one time...(water test every 3 days [nitrate,nitrite,ph,amonia] and every week at my LFS just to be sure [nitrate,nitrite,ph,amonia,kh]) gravity too every water change (refractrometer)and hydro in the LFS.

that's all i do if anyone wanted to ask more i think this will help... so please help


New Member
are you testing before adding any of that stuff , lugols is really strong form of Iodine....... watch when your testing from the refractometer the reason I did not get one is that I was told by one of the mfgs that if you hold it a bit off side it can effect the reading .... cut back on the cyclop-eeze you are over feeding that which is why your nitrAtes are high (remember my post on red slime well that is what happend to me I over fed cyclop-eeze) I have never heard of the novaqua conditioner so I can't comment on that . I think that you may need to also look in to calibrating the refractometer , again I don't own one so I am unable to help you calibrate it ..........HTH :mrgreen:


New Member
overfeeding 1 time a day zyclop thats the only thing i feed .... since i got the tank... nothing else... really.. :???:


New Member
That stuff is super easy and I mean super easy to over feed what about feeding that maybe 1-2 times a week with that and flake or pellets on the other feedings . Our feeding schedule for our guys every other day with the pellets and on sunday I feed cyclop-ezee then do a water change to get the uneaten stuff out I also run a 2nd filter on the day that I feed cylcop -eeze to help remove the extra :mrgreen:


New Member
Thx sadie like always i follow your advice and i tried flake food just to see if they accepted cause i never tried different food before and well they all like the new change except the green banded goby he ate but not as much as the others and this is my older fish with me since last crash... anyways so im gonna stick with your plan ill feed monday,tuesday,thrusday and friday flake food and wednesday saturday zyclop eeze and sunday all depending on them or ill do on sunday flake and the other zyclop so they get some fun :) :) and im gonna wait a week and see if any changes on nitrate i hope it gets better and also i didnt mentioned but i clean the sponges every 2 days cause like you say some zyclop got suck by the filter so i think with my new plan on feeding ill clean it just 2 times instead of 3 time a week and them im gonna cut it to just on water change....

and about trading some small for big nassarius anyone ....????? water test tomorrow again...


New Member
try feeding Monday Wednesday Friday with pellets or flake and cyclop-eeze on Sunday before a water change and see if your nitrAtes fall it may take a bit of time to see results but be patient you will :mrgreen:


Active Member
Don't overfeed!!!!! It's the doom of the tank when you overfeeed !!! I know because with about 20 fish, I was feeding a lot and I didn't realize that my nitrates soared really high to about 30 ppm.

It's been a long battle to bring them to 10 ppm, and I'd love to have just about 0 or 5 ppm.

Mike g