Nano-Cube, Bio-Cube or regular rectangular tank?


New Member
This is my first post here so go easy on me.
I am hoping to purchase and set-up a small saltwater tank for my 3 yr. old daughter and I must confess for me too. My question is that in the past I have read that a rectangular tank (even a small one) is much better than a sqaure or cube style tank due to the more longated swimming area for fish. So with that in mind, would it behoove me to buy say a 15 gallon rectangular tank and just buy all the necessary stuff to go with it versus the pre-made cubes?


New Member
standard tanks sizes or all in one are the best ways to go, easier to find stuff for it.
I have a 5 gal. hex and it is god awful to do any modifications to it. had to diy everything so far.


Staff member
It is really a matter of personal taste. The cubes offer some nice clean lines and most of the workings of the tank are hidden. If you were to buy a regular rectangular tank you have many more options as to the filtration, lighting, etc. I personally have 2 cubes (a JBJ 12DX and a JBJ 6 gallon Nanocube) and I have a regualr 10 gallon and I am in the planning stages of a 15 gallon long (12"x12"x24") which will be an SPS tank with either T-5 or MH lighting. Another plus to a regular tank is when you want to make upgrades you can reuse the old equipment, as an example if you wanted to upgrade your lighting then all you have to buy is lighting.


New Member
Well I have to say, I may be new to the hobby, but I have to suggest the bio-cube just because it is all self contained and easily managable both for you and your daughter. I also belive that you will enjoy it for it's good lighting to show off anything you may want to put in your tank.....


New Member
I love having my regular 10 gallon AGA. The reason is because I have room for add-ons and changes. With a all in one, you are pretty much stuck with what you get (unless you are very handy with mods). If you do go with a all in one, get one that is decked out with high quality, pre-modded stuff (example: so that you dont have to tear apart the original just to add another lamp socket or ballast)