Name for this tank type


New Member
I am looking at up grading to a slightly larger, cleaner looking tank. I like the JBJ style of tank with the false back with overflow that flows into several chambers (fuge), then back into the main tank.

Does this type of tank have a common name?

Any links to users tank pics?




New Member
I think you are talking about the nanocubes. There is also the Current Aquapod that is a "all in one" tank system. I don't use either but plenty of users here have them. Seems the nanocube is the more popular tank, just make sure to get a new one (2006) because the old ones have a possibility of cracking and/or "blowing up". At the top of the page is a search button. If you input nanocube or aquapod you should get quite a few threads talking about these two particular tanks. Hope this helped out a bit.


New Member
Yes Tim, I am familiar with these two tanks. I am looking to DIY something similar using a 20 gal long or something similar.


New Member
I personally prefer the DIY 10g or 20g long. Much nicer looking and it seems everyone had to modify the all in ones to suit there needs anyways. So why not start with a clean slate? Good luck!


New Member
I would like to do some background work before I reinvent a square wheel :cry: . Most of the posts/pics I've found so far divide one side of the tank, however I would like to divide the back. I seem to stumble on some here and there but don't know if there is a defined name for this type of tank (IOS?)


New Member
You may want to look at a tank like a 40g breeder because it would allow you more depth from front to back... something like 18". This would allow you a space of like 4"-6" and still have a viewing area that is around 12"-14" front to back. Plus they are 36" long which allows for more lighting options than a 20L which is limited by it's 30" length. Most manufacturers only make even feet... 24", 36", 48".



New Member
Yes Jesse a 40 gallon breeder is one the first small size AGA aquarium to break the 12 inch depth mark. I am hoping to reuse my 20" Current USA orbit light fixture, the 40 gallon 35" wide breeder would break the lighting budget. :cry:


New Member
You could always get glass cut to size and make your own tank. Look up piratesreef's project, very nicely done. From what I understand it's not too expensive or too difficult.


New Member
Jesse, just finished scanning your thread 20l/20l fuge..... excellent looking tank, hard to believe it is only 20 gallons.

I am also considering using a closed loop system with a SCWD like this with a 3 inch PCV vertical tube near the pump to house my heater (nanotank pico DIY closed loop).