amazing, that's cheap! I'll have to look today. Thanks for the offer Edgray, but I know I can pick it up at Tong's. If you guys have kept it successfully, and reefman in particular for a year, it would be interesting to see how it fares in my 6er.
Edgray, i always see that red algae vine at Tong's all the time. As for mine, I've pruned the hell out of mine, so it's regrowing again. next time it grows out all thick again, you can make a road trip out, and we can do some exchanges. Otherwise just keep an eye out at Tongs.
Reefman, anytime you are out in the area, you are invited to check out my tank, we should just plan a day and just meet at Tongs. I have pictures posted of myself at the lounge under "age, occupation, pics", perhaps maybe you have seen me there
