New Member

whats everyone think

and this is my firefish, I also just got a cinnamon clown but no pics of him yet
Amphipods and copepods are different critters. They belong to different families. If you look around in your tank with a flashlight after it's been dark for a couple hours look in low-flow nooks and crannies, if you see what looks like nearly microscopic swarms of gnats those are copepods. Sometimes you'll find them on the glass as well, but I've always found them closer to my rock near the sandbed.mikeguerrero said:Hey guys,
I thought that amphipods are copepods? Are they the same? I just saw this post and I recognized those as in my tank but I thought they were the copepods. What eats them, is it the madarin goby?
I see the very small ones on the wall eaten up by my six line wrasse or my red banded coral..
Can someone let me know?