My First Pico.. An Updated Document


New Member
Hey guys!
I just did a salinity test today, and some tests, and took some pictures!

I found out about two days ago, Mr Snail passed away. Not really sure what his deal was.. He kinda did his job along the outside of the tank for about a day.. and fell off.. laid there on the ground and wasn't doing anything... A couple days ago I saw a bristle worm crawling to his body.. That's when I figured he was dead, and the scavengers were coming in to clean up.. I grabbed my turkey baster, sucked them both up, WOW did that snail smell.. HORRIBLY!! Flushed them both down the toilet. Both of the crabs are doing a great job, and are alive and healthy! Also! My feather duster I found is still growing and alive =D

Salinity came up as 1.023..

Here are some pictures!!

Feather duster

I read somewhere about RED algae... Not sure if this is just the rock.. Or what it is.. Anyone know? This red is pretty "blood" red as you can see...

I was curious if it is safe for me to scrub off all of this that is growing along the outside.. Should I leave it be?

My tank after 23 Days

TESTS Ran : pH: 8.4
Ni: 0

Alright, so if you go back to the first page, and look at the tests I ran when I posted pictures... The ammonia STILL looks the same... IS THIS REALLY READING 0.20?!?!

Well, let me know what you guys think =D Thanks for all the help once again.


New Member
Let something small die and rot in there to cause an ammonia spike, then add some StressZyme or Seachem Stabilise or something. Considering you don't have any corals or anything this shouldn't be too dangerous.


New Member
Or better still, don't spend any money on supplements and let the biological filter sort itself out.

The death of the snail will encourage the reproduction of de nitrifying bacteria and they will multiply on their own. Your tank is looking great considering its young age and I think by the look of those tests and the amount and types of algae you have there, you are about mid-cycle.

It's absolutely fine to clean the algae of the glass, this is normal for any aquarium and is part of daily maintenance.

The biological filter will multiply according to the needs of the system on its own. Adding more "live bacteria" will only prolong your cycle. As the unnecessary bacteria are added and have nothing to feed on, they will die and in turn cause an amonia spike.

It is natural for your tank to adjust itself to increased bio load.

So, When your cycle is done, your water will be fine. When you add your first fish, your bacteria won't cope for a short period until they multiply to a point of balance. In the week or so that this takes, you will have some increased algae and it is wise to do an intermediate water change to help things along.

Apart from essential elements that cannot be replaced naturally, (calc, alk, ect), there is no need to waste any money at the LFS on items that are not fish coral or LR.

If you do decide to use any of these 'wonder products' please do some extensive research on sites other that online stores and supplier and distributor sites.

Keep the updates coming. :D


New Member
I do lean toward an approach that doesn't use too many additives. However, quite of few chemicals perform quite well. Just read the whole product description as many reefers have used them with success.