my first nano tank

Hi! this is my first post... :lol3:

I want to buy a 25 Liter aquarium that have a little sump behind. the light is have 18W and 10000K. It have a pump on the sump with 400L/h.

It is ok to start?

What do i need more?

What to put in the sump?

Can i have corals with this light?

And what nano-fish?

thnx (sorry about my english)

Ritsuko N

New Member
This is doable for sure as there are many before you that have set up such tanks. In fact it was a tank half this size that inspired me to put away my big tanks and concentrate more on smaller more prefected tanks such as Nanos.

This is a very small tank though and if this is your first attempt at SW keeping I would recommend against it. Nano tanks are more for the experienced aquarist than the beginner as maintaining water quality in such small tanks is a monumental task that requires extreme attention to detail. If you have some experience then it might not be a bad idea. If this is the first SW tank then you should really consider something bigger to cut your teeth on.

The in tank filtration should be adequate. The light should be good for most soft corals such as Xenia, Leathers, Zoanthids, Ricordia, Mushrooms and many Gorgonians. As far as my opinion a tank this small is best with no fish. A tank this small its going to be hard for it to handle such a bio load. There are a few that might be suitable but this is pushing the limits of the system. I think its best kept to corals and maybe a shrimp or two.
thanx for your opinion. This is my first SW aquarium but for many reasons (money) i will give it a shot. the other reason to choose a nano like this is because i will use sea water and will make easy my water changes.

for starting maybe i will not put any fish at all because like you said it will be a big bio load.

other questions that i have is what to put in the sump? i was thinking in live rock to reduce the space in the aquarium and to enlarge the filtration capacity.

Am i right or am i thinking something wrong?


New Member
aduplapersonalidadedoraul said:
another question i forgot:
should i use macro algae to reduce nitrates and phosphate?if yes, What algae should i buy?
Chaeto. it's the easiest to maintain and keep from creating problems. from what I've heard.

:welcome to nanotank :!:
In the sump many use a combination of LS and LR and Chaeto and you can also place the heater and skimmer in there so that you can keep those out of the main tank.
You don't need fancy light for the sump. You can get a cheap shop light and a plant bulb and that is all you need for the sump.

Light for the LR is not needed if you only want it for the bio-filtration.


New Member
I wouldn't put LR in the sump if this is an all in one tank. It collects ditrius and makes cleaning difficult. you should have enough LR in the main display for your filtration needs. there are a few ideas in the Do it yourself forum for how to light the back chambers. pretty inexpensive.
I'm sorry, I didn't read close enough and did not realize this was a built in sump. Yeah, don't put rock or sand in that like kidnano said. I was thinking a larger under tank sump.
I didn't explain my self right. I'm having some problems with the laguage.

Today I was talking with a friend and he have nanotanks and he advise me to use in the entrance of the sump syntethic fiber to mechanical filtrations and change it every weak and to use JBL micromec for biological filtration. Because i don't want to use lots of LR.

Is it ok? What do you advise?


New Member
usually everyone uses LR for there biological filteration, by far better than the media given. LR and LS is the best filter you can have with nanotanks. they also take out the filter pad too. it can cause nitrate spikes if not cleaned often. its just easier to leave it out and do regular water changes. HTH
I just want to thanks to everyone that has been helping me, because sometimes in other foruns people aren't so helpful like in this forum.

I was reading an article in about the cleaning crew. After reading it i conclude that my cleaning crew will be 3 turbo snails, 1 hermit crab and a peppermint shrimp. is it ok?

The article:
Hi! i came to say that probably next week I will buy the aquarium... :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:

I want to know when should i add the cleaning crew? At the start? or after 2 weeks, after..?


New Member
Decent clean up crew. But be careful with the hermits. Some types are notorious snail killers. Also, you might add some nassarius snails or something like that to keep the sand turned a bit.