Thanks for the feedback! I will check this post more often! OK, since my last post I have added a neon caulstrea / a cultured frogspawn and a cultured hammer. Also, a scolymia vitiensis (doughnut coral)... my favorite. That was last weekend.
This weekend I found a perfect pair of black oscellaris clowns. :loveface I fed the tank and almost pooped my pants... Out come my 6 line wrasse, Randalls Goby, two skunk shrimp, two giant turbo snails, two porcelin crabs... and I am thinking "how did this tank get so busy (aka overstocked?) all of a sudden?".
The clowns have really changed the dynamics of the tank. The wrasse feels compelled to swim with them and make sure they are not hogging any floating food (so far he is not picking on them), and the normally shy Randalls Goby has suddenly turned into a feeding machine. It is very lively now... but... I kind of miss the more sedate vibe I had before. Oh, well.
I have been worrying about a nice nitrate spike... so far... so good.
Tests today (2 days after new fish and crabs)
pH = 8.2
Nit = <0.2 (undetectalbe)
SG = 1.025
Alk = 3.0 mg/ml (8.4 dKH) - this has dropped from 4.0 over the last month
Phos = <0.2 (undetectable)
Calcium = 440
Mag 630 ppm
This week's goal is to not buy any coral or fish, and work on my Mg and Alk. Also, need to make my ATO a bit more reliable.
Also, to work on my photography skills. I will try to post some better pics that I will take tonight.
Cheers Reefers!