My 56 gallon custom acrylic, week zero through 6


New Member

Hey! IT WORKS. That was easy! Thanks for the tip. More pics to come. This is in reverse order. The tank is six weeks with live rock in it. I started the sump back in October.



New Member
Looking great and welcome aboard....

Is that a Cherb Angle Fish, in the next to last picture???? :razz:


New Member
Yes, that is exactly right... a cherub angel (fish). Ha ha.

Thanks for the compliments!



New Member
Wow really nice, I like the plumbing for water wovement you have there, it looks like a very clean, well setup system...nice way to come back lol :gcool


New Member
Yes, the live rock is all suspended over the substrate. This should help things stay stable and makes a network of caves for shrimp / gobies / etc.. and also helps water circulate.


New Member
Welcome aboard Rmanecke.
Very nice tank setup. The suspended rock formation will enable your tank to have better circulation and has a good plating structure for the corals with plenty of open areas the fish to hide. I love you angel fish. :thumbup:


Staff member
I like your rock racks and your tank looks very clean. Keep the updates coming.


New Member
yeah really cute fish :lol: :lol: and your setup is great just one question the tubes or pipes on the bottom of the LR have some little holes .. a reason??? and also if is covered with LS what is the main porpuse of it just curious..... is that a kind of undergravel filter or something.....


Staff member
They are used to support the LR so if it gets tunneled under the rockwork won't fall.


Looks good. Like the design of your sump. One question. Are those acrylic panels joined together with silicone sealant?


New Member
I welded the baffles into the acrylic sump with acrylic cement. After my first prototype sump leaked... I decided to reinforce all the seams with a bead of silicone. So far... so good!

The holes in the PVC framework are to prevent water from stagnating inside them. The other option would to have filled them, then, sealed all the ends with the end caps.


New Member

Thanks for the feedback! I will check this post more often! OK, since my last post I have added a neon caulstrea / a cultured frogspawn and a cultured hammer. Also, a scolymia vitiensis (doughnut coral)... my favorite. That was last weekend.

This weekend I found a perfect pair of black oscellaris clowns. :loveface I fed the tank and almost pooped my pants... Out come my 6 line wrasse, Randalls Goby, two skunk shrimp, two giant turbo snails, two porcelin crabs... and I am thinking "how did this tank get so busy (aka overstocked?) all of a sudden?".

The clowns have really changed the dynamics of the tank. The wrasse feels compelled to swim with them and make sure they are not hogging any floating food (so far he is not picking on them), and the normally shy Randalls Goby has suddenly turned into a feeding machine. It is very lively now... but... I kind of miss the more sedate vibe I had before. Oh, well.

I have been worrying about a nice nitrate spike... so far... so good.

Tests today (2 days after new fish and crabs)

pH = 8.2
Nit = <0.2 (undetectalbe)
SG = 1.025
Alk = 3.0 mg/ml (8.4 dKH) - this has dropped from 4.0 over the last month
Phos = <0.2 (undetectable)
Calcium = 440
Mag 630 ppm

This week's goal is to not buy any coral or fish, and work on my Mg and Alk. Also, need to make my ATO a bit more reliable.

Also, to work on my photography skills. I will try to post some better pics that I will take tonight.

Cheers Reefers!
