Thanks evryone, just trying to get a new camera to get better pics....Well is not a powder blue tang, it's a hippo and I know they can't just holding until my 125 is ready, I got that as a gift from my know got the nemo and she wanted dori 2 =)...
Well it's a 20gl, with a skilter filter on the back that has a modded skimmer and also on the left a small refugium with chaeto, RR and LS and also 2 mini powerheads and MH lights.
My tank has been doing great, until last month for some reason the salinity dropped and I lost a coral and shrimp, but everything is getting back to normal now.....
I have 2 2 2 2 2 many fishes in there, I have to take them out :strip :lol3: :lol3:
Tank has been set up for 5 months.......