Mushroom Colony suddenly dies...


Active Member
Hey Reefers,

I'm posting here first to see if this small community has experienced this scenario...

I've had a mushroom colony green for about one year; it was transferred from my 3 gallon tru vu to my 72 gallon tank...

Here it was placed at the very bottom in the center of the tank. For months it grew and thrived...

Then since last 3 days I noticed it wasn't really opening to it's full potential. Then yesterday during the day I see that one by one each mushroom has disentegrated inside out...

A couple on the side were still alive and then the rest just went. The cleanup crew came in and clean the rock as it was covered in slime from the shrooms...

Another set up red shrooms way above it started the same behavior and out of the four that are there, one of them has sloughed away same case as the green ones...

The larger red shroom has shunned away on the side and is doing okay...

All other shrooms in the tank are doing fine...

Has anyone ever experienced something like this?



I had a similar experience that puzzled me also a few years ago. I had a nice sized colony of mushrooms on the bottom of the tank - where most of them had grown. It was thriving and looking very healthy for a long time. Then one day - as if overnight - they were all gone. No trace of them anywhere. Like they had never been there. This was a sudden exit and I never did figure out what happened to them. It was only this specific colony of mushrooms. I had others colonies in other parts of the tank that never changed. It would be nice if someone had some sort of explanation for this.


Active Member

I appreciate your response to this perplexing incident. Just as you describe it, my colony went over night... And other mushrooms of different species around in the same vicinity have not been affected...

The red mushroom above where this happened has the same shape and body structure, just that the color is red and not neon green...


mikeguerrero said:

I appreciate your response to this perplexing incident. Just as you describe it, my colony went over night... And other mushrooms of different species around in the same vicinity have not been affected...

The red mushroom above where this happened has the same shape and body structure, just that the color is red and not neon green...
This is a picture of the mushroom colony that disappeared (some of my favorites, of course). Every single one of the type that is circled vanished overnight. Nothing else around them was affected, not even the mushroom colonies just to the right of them or above them.



New Member
What a nice picture :shock: sorry that i didnt pay attention to the subject of the shrooms but that part of you tank looks amazing wow... i love all the different kind of shrooms over there wow... specially the shrooms on top next to a giant aptasia and red zoas.. :shock: ... is that a picture of the tank that die on you???


EDGRAY said:
What a nice picture :shock: sorry that i didnt pay attention to the subject of the shrooms but that part of you tank looks amazing wow... i love all the different kind of shrooms over there wow... specially the shrooms on top next to a giant aptasia and red zoas.. :shock: ... is that a picture of the tank that die on you???
Yeah, that's my old dead tank. :cryinga: The whole thing was like that when viewed up close. It was full of life. Don't even have a nano filled up now...and hurricane season starts next week. :burningup

BTW, that pic was taken before the big copperband came to town. Those big aiptaisias all disappeared.


Staff member
Any chance of something sending out sweeper tentacles or some chemical warfare? It seems pretty baffling to me as well.


skipm said:
Any chance of something sending out sweeper tentacles or some chemical warfare? It seems pretty baffling to me as well.
Well, something happened and I suppose that is plausible. I can't think of anything that was on that end of the tank with sweepers. Mostly just soft corals - mainly mushrooms and zoos - around that colony. I guess it doesn't matter now, because it all disppeared on me about a year later...


Active Member
I think some type of chemical warfare happened because they all went and really quick. Those that survived the first day tried moving and then succumbed the next day...

The red mushroom above this colony has made a move away from his colony as they were attacked too and I lost two up there...

The red mushroom that moved away from the vicinity is doing great.... I'm led to believe some type of chemical warfare took place without me being aware...

Mike G