mr watchman


New Member
not a clue of what kind is he cause normaly watchman are yellow with blue tiny spots... maybe a diamond goby??? look at see if you find him.


New Member
sorry i didnt pay attention i thought that you said that your watchman was white with a big spot in his head but you were trying to see what was wrong with it sorry .... im so stupid sometimes... sorry my mistake.

anyways for help a picture will be really handy and worths a thousand words.


New Member
With out pictures it is hard to say
was it there when you got him?
it kinda sounds like a traumatic abrasion, not sure tho :mrgreen:


New Member
nop it wasn't there when i got him .thats what i think to he hit it on something . hes eating fine water is perfect .so i will just keep a eye on him


New Member
Just keep your perameters pristine and watch for this to make sure that it does not spread . Feed foods that are soaked in garlic for 15-20 minutes to stimulate his appitite and watch for infection


New Member
maybe this infection but not sure.... but i think the treatment is for freshwater only not sure but i thought it was a cotton like infection so i found this......

Fungal Infections
Symptoms: White or cotton-like substance concentrated mainly on scrapes, surface injuries, fins or mouth.

Treatment: Treatment of fungal infections is relatively easy. There are a great many commercially available products for this, including MarOxy by Mardel Laboratories and Super Sulfo and Would Control by Aquatronics.

Information: This is a very common disorder which infects all kinds of tropical fish. It is intensified greatly with fish having damaged fins or cuts and scrapes. It is also much more likely in poor water conditions in which there are unacceptable levels of ammonia or nitrites. Fungal infections are also a sign of bullying by other fish. Fin nippers will damage the fins of other fish making them more susceptible to fungal infections and external bacterial infections such as fin and tail rot.


New Member
no i mean might be that but not sure and maybe was bully by a fish before you purchase him or something but ill go with a infection.....


New Member
well i dont know about what others may suggest to do but i dont like to quarentine (bad spelling) my fish and i seen that the garlic helps with any infection or deases so ill say chomp some garlic 1 - 2 teeth of garlic and let it sit with some water of your tank in a cup for 15-30min and then introduce it in the tank were is more flow and dont let any garlic introduce in the water do it with a net or something and just add the liquid but if some tiny pieces get in the tank dont worry fish will eat that and is good for them but dont let too much pieces get in the tank just liquid... ill do it every 2 days or so... see if works for you or at least will buff his inmune fight the infection