Missing Tail


New Member
Ok, my mandarin appears to have lost the upper part of her tail fin. I think it may be down to the powerhead where she seems to have become fond of the intake (Found her sleeping on it one morning :S) but i was just wondernig if it's possible hermit crabs could do this?

I've treated the tank with good old melafix to prevent infection but she seems fine in general, and ate her live brine earlier fine...

Also while i'm here, one of my hermits seems to like the taste of feathrduster casing, is this bad? He's revealed red looking areas under the outer brown coating...


New Member
Aquai what size is your tank again ....?
I would say that yes a hermit could do this but unlikely if the fish is healthy...
I would also say that it is a premature dosing at this point with good water quality her tail should repair provided she is eating well and not running out of pods to eat.............. It could also be that she did get it into the impeller again not likely ....I would look into diffrent food for her supplimentation as brine is not very nutritious. As to the hermit I would give him/her the boot if you continually see it picking at the feather duster , it could cause the feather duster to retract thus starving ,it could cause it to "move" or decrown or just plain picked to death :mrgreen:


New Member
Well, i think the tail may've caused a problem as i found her dead against the powerhead intake this morning i'm guessing she couldn't swim away from it in her sleep. It's a sad loss :( Anyone got any ideas on covering or something the powerhead so something like this doesn't happed again (if i ever find a frozen eating mandarin that is)...