MB7 update


New Member
Ok here is the update
Allglass did replace the tank after some fighting to get it replaced. I emptied the tank in to buckets and scooped out the fish . Took the live rock out and filled some syringes with vinigar to flush the rocks that I had seen the big bristle worms in (removed about 12) some were good size but I could not find the big ones that I know are in there some were babies they hated the vinigar , some may be dead in the lr . I rinced the live rock with some old tank water and placed in to the tank . I was able to save most of the sand but added another 1/2 lb to the tank . The aquascaping was quite difficult and may need redone as I am not happy
I noticed that the tank stayed cloudier than the last time but cleared a great deal with the 3 filters . I tested and the tests came back all were elevated .
Ammonia .25 ppm
NitrAte .25 ppm
NitrIte .00 ppm
High ph 8.4
I lost one chromis and will be looking to replace him in the next week or so when tests indicate that it is ok and that I am finally done with the aquascaping . I will post pictures in the near future of the tank now . I have a list of things that I need in the very near future for the tank once that is in place I hope that the tank looks ok ... and to get pictures .
So here is my warning to all of you if you have a glass tank by All glass
please check the seams this includes the walmart tanks (im not sure why but I am pretty sure that all glass makes glass tanks for walmart . This seems to have happened a few times this year on several tanks some one else here was telling me that they had theirs start to leak (perhaps a bad batch of tanks) They told me that the leak would self repair , but alas I dont think so , I am not able to do the repairs and may have some one look in to it down the road ............Their attitude is a bit cheesey if you ask me by saying " it probably wont get worse"
That is a chance that I am not willing to take , my tank is an investment to me so that attitude dosent fly.


Staff member
I am glad that in the end they did what was right and should have been done from the beginning. Thank you for updating. Skip


New Member
Skip even tho they did the right thing , it still dosent redeem them because you are right this should have been done right from the begining :!:


Active Member

That sucks that AGA has second rated service on warranty for tanks; I have heard similiar experiences from other users and that's why I begged left and right for my LFS not to get me an AGA tank.

You see when I was on the hunt for my 72 bowfront, my LFS swore up and down that Oceanic (which in my opinion is the BMW of glass tanks) could and would not ship out to the west coast.

They tried to sell me on a Oceanic Stand and Hood with a AGA. I laid low for a while and went with a smaller LFS that ordered me what I wanted and it came in.

About a year ago Oceanic had a problem with leaks on this particular tank but they quickly rose to the top with great customer services in fixing the problem.

I also know that Oceanic really pushes you to register your warranty card online with them. In fact they email you back that they received your information and that you are on file.

They even warranty their tanks for 5 years; thats a long time for me. You can even tell if you look closely at a 72 gallon bowfront AFA seam to the 72 gallon Oceanic seams; thicker glass and more apparant black sealant.

I wish they made nano tanks but they don't; anyway I'm glad you got your tank replaced and watch those water parameters closely; as you have restarted a mini-cycle in your tank.



New Member
Since I am going to go through a mini cycle would it be benificial to do a 1/2 gallon water change every day? This cycle should be short right , no more than a week ? Also some of shrooms and corals including the 2 feather dusters seem to be really really irritated , will this pass as h20 quality improves ? All glass has a poor warranty and even worse customer service , when I spoke to them they said that they had only 1 or 2 tanks leak , I ask the dingdong if it could be that these people called and you were nasty to them and they went else where or just bought a new tank.....when they got nasty with us I just be came a super charged bitch to them , I basically told them that I as a customer am right their wrong game over..... I win yay ..... then I ask if this is how they always deal with their customers they said umm yea well is it any wonder that you have a bad rep in the industry.... Then I ask if it was infact true that they own oceanic they did confirm this so wow my choices are dwindling
I did tear down today and reaquascaped again this time I am happier than I was yesterday . I just hope that I have no more fatalities 1 is all I can take :evil: so tonight I will steak out the lfs to see if they have anything to put in the tank put deposits down and wait like a good girl......(ooooohhhhh so hard to do )


Active Member

Your mini-cycle should not be more than a week, I hope. The 1/2 water change each day may be a little too much since I've heard that you want the tank to cycle and constant water changes will elongate this process.

Maybe 1/2 every other day as needed, I cannot see it hurting your tank with the water changes though.

I can share with you from experience I had a mini-cycle when I too replaced a scratched tank from JBJ lighting my 12 gallon cube. They sent me the new cube and I was juiced and started transferring everything over to the new one.

What happened was that I added new pieces of rubble rock to the back of my filter chambers. Little did I know that I had purchased uncured live rubble.

I had literally spiked my tank with Ammonia as my tank remained really cloudy and I was very perplexed. Then I take a water sample and :shock: ohh no, my Ammonia is off the charts.

I didn't catch my mistake untill 1 full day as I thought it just cloudy and the high ammonia wiped out my gorgeous colony of xenia; the next day I ran to the LFS and purchased Biospira which I highly recommend.

It brought back my tank from certain death to a cycled tank in 2 days; I really approve and endorse this product as I have even had Dragon run it in his tank when he first set up.

All the water changes you are doing in a week could be just as much money as purchasing the smallest packett of Biospira.

You see, Sadie, I had uncured live rock enter my tank, I'm not sure what you placed in that set up the cloudiness; all I know is when the tank doesn't clear up, it's signs of bad news in my experience.

Take another sample of water and check the PPM and let me know where it's at, tell me if the water is clearing up, if it is than you are okay, if not and your corals and critters looked stressed get the biospira and follow the instructions.



Sadie, you may have more of a cycle then you expect, I don't know how much of your rock got the vineger treatment, but that rock lost all of its bacteria I would bet, and will def cause a cycle. Also the new sand will have no bacteria on it and will likely cause a small diatom out break in less then a week. That fueled with the losses inside the rock may also cause a little algae bloom. Be careful and err on the side of caution in this case. Plan to go slow at first like always


New Member
The vineger was only about a 1/2 cc per hole and only 3 rocks got treated the rest did not I only treated the ones that I saw the big worms in . I have no doubt that I wiped out some of the bacteria but I rinsed the rock in old tank water to dilute the vinegar . I will modify the lighting schedule for a bit . No more LR went in to this tank . The same that I started with . Mike I will look for that biospira tonite and will back the h20 changes back to about every 4 days till cycled ? I ran out of salt water and am running some water with power heads for an hour then the salt for an hour to finish this up as I kicked the bucket with the water and well the carpet needed shampooed anyway :) Mike the tank has cleared considerably since I rescaped this am and is vertually clear I will run the 3 filters till tonight then again in the am rinse them out and put them back up .Ayie ayie ayie what a head ache :)


Active Member
Sounds like you will be okay as your tank is clearing up considerably since the morning. Clear tanks are a really good sign of good water parameters once they have been established before.

Check your nitrites and ammonia again just to be on the same side, if you do detect them, then I really advice you to get the biospira.



New Member
Mike I tore it down again yesterday as the aquascaping just did not look right , But as of this am it looks clear almost as clear as it did before the tear down (in the weeks before) the fish seem to be fine and the snails ect but testing is the only fool proof way , I will test today at some point and post the results :)


New Member
On the tests run on tuesday I mistyped the test result of the nitrAte it was 20 ppm
the test results from today....
tests run with the lights on...
ammonia.......0 ppm
high ph........8.2
the clowns tail and one fin seem frayed and he is hiding in a cave but he is eating I have been giving brine shrimp with garlic and cyclopeeze so hopefully this will heal as he has been through alot :sad:
other wise the tank is 100% clear I will be d/c the 2nd and 3rd filters tonight....I looked for the biospera and of the 2 stores in our area no one carries it :sad: so I will do the h20 changes as planned every 3-4 days about 10% as for the shrooms and corals they seem to be opening up some today yesterday they had vertually no light all day and about 30 minutes last nite today the lights have been on for about 8 hours
I hope to doge a big or major cycle.....


Active Member

Looks like you will be okay without the biospira, as you cannot purchase it online either because it's perishable.

Just keep things constant, not too much feeding not too much water changes and all will be okay....



New Member
I hope so mike the clown looks really sad I know he has been through alot but I want him to be ok
does the h20 change schedule look ok or just go back to normal saturday changes but monitor and be ready for a largish change if there are big spikes :?:
as for the feeding he got a small small pich of brine with the garlic so that he would eat it and a very small cube of the cyclopeeze he ate both but not with the vigor he has normally


New Member
today the clown seems to be eating with more gusto the ammount he is getting for the cyclopeeze and brine shrimp is about the size of a pin head just enough for him to fit the whole thing in his mouth , his tail (very end) is all but gone and so is the fin I am hoping that it is just an ammonia burn that will repair as I forgot to add the filter and air pump to the holding tank , his color is fine but alittle off(lighter red almost a pink and that is only a very little spot so I will monitor him very close as well as the h20 quality , since that is very important for his well being and healing ) at the tail he has no spots or anything that would lead me to believe that he has the start of ich or worse. He is acting fairly normal again , swimming in and out of the rock work , tho having a difficult time swimming straight ,tho he is swimming fairly straight, you can tell that he is getting use to the tanks aquascape and becoming more and more comfortable in his tank I tried to keep it the same as it was however that is not the easiest thing to do ,I will be testing again today and possibly taking a sample to the lfs to see if we are on base with ours , I know that I have only a month or 2 before it is time to change the test kit with a newer one . Of the times that it has be tested here and and the one lfs they were right on for results .......I will post the test results if there are any changes from yesterday .......


New Member
Wow sadielynn your having some issue there and i thought that i was having some problems with my super bioload in my tank and well i have the same problem with the clowns (rotten tail and fins) but with adding the garlic in the water looks like he is recovering little by little i couldnt see the black line on the end of his tail and fins and now they starting to show so i guess the fins are recovering and growing and also i believe now that clowns are really hardy cause all your problems and mines .... and they keep kicking but im really sorry of all the things that are happening to you but will get better youll see. :razz: :D ... ohh i forgott one of my clowns the one that hasnt recover fully tends to hide in the caves too i dont know why he comes out only on fidding time he eats like a pirahna but is hidding in the cave almost all they long and when he is swimming with his friend outside is only about an hour the most i dont know why they tend to hide when they are sick ... i guess is normal in clowns cause yours is doing the same thing....

ohhh well.... keep the faith and everything will be fine...

ed ;-)


New Member
I had our lfs do a compairison test on our salt water
our test results are as follows
Tests run with the lights on
this is the home test
Temp ..........77.5 degrees
Ammonia.... 0 ppm
NitrAte........ 10 ppm
High ph........8.4
spg.............. 1.027
Here is the lfs test results
Ammonia .........0ppm
High ph unable to test for
Alk ..................2.98

so it seems that the alk is a little low but all others seem to match up fine . :)

the girl there seems to think that the clown fish suffered an ammonia burn and that the effect on the fin and tail will repair with time good h20 quaility ,diet, ect. .
She also said that I probably moved him quick enough so that the gills didnt recieve a fatal burn ...... Which was my falt for failing to place a filter in the holding cup , a mistake that will NOT happen again as I got a diffrent container for holding the fish in and will give me a little bit more volume for the fish , and will safely hold the filter and air pump as well as an eggcrate top to protect from jumping , and finally a light for them if I have to place them in to a holding bin again .........


New Member
Thanks for the compliment Mike
I forgot to add that I did add 2 new chromis this weekend and a new cleaner shrimp , my cleaner got ground up in the power head the dork
H20 changes are back to schedule working on getting the NitrAte down to 0ppm. The other thing that I forgot to add was that the lfs tested the water after a 3/4 gallon water change the test that I ran was before the water change