Max-jet pumps for frag tank: How many? Gph? Wavemaker?


New Member
I'm thinking of setting up a 20L frag tank and would like good circulation. I plan to stock it with soft corals. NO SPS. I would like to go with 4 maxi-jets. My question is which type is appropriate and not overkill? 400? 600? 900?

I'd like them on timers too for some wavemaking. Coralife sells a powerstrip the can alternate 4 pumps every 15 minutes. ???

Your input please! Thanks.


New Member

being that your going to be using a wavemaker you could get away with probably the mj 600 that should give you pretty good flow with out sending anything rolling across the tank I think the 900's would be more for sps see what others think being this is just my .02



New Member
Thanks Aaron, I'll keep that in mind. Jesse, I've never seen a pump like that before but I know tunxze is known for their unique, high powered pumps. Is that nano stream just a pump or does it create a wave motion? How many would I need?

I can buy maxi-jet 600's for 13.99 each @petsolutions. So it would almost be equivalent to the cost of 1 nanotream.


New Member
Cheap Idea if you already have powerheads. I use the hydor flo in my tank. I have 2 maxi 1200's and use the flo on one of them and it does give random flows. Its just a mechanical deflector that costs about 12 bucks online and 20ish in lfs'.


New Member
Semo said:
Cheap Idea if you already have powerheads. I use the hydor flo in my tank. I have 2 maxi 1200's and use the flo on one of them and it does give random flows. Its just a mechanical deflector that costs about 12 bucks online and 20ish in lfs'.

I've used the Hydor flow in the past. But I was running it on a maxi-jet 600 so the gph was a lot less than what it should be.

Jesse - The nanostream sounds like a winner and will probably save me money on buying timers. And if I only need one, I'll have a lot more space as opposed to having 4 maxi-jets.


New Member
aquemeni5110 said:
Jesse - The nanostream sounds like a winner and will probably save me money on buying timers. And if I only need one, I'll have a lot more space as opposed to having 4 maxi-jets.
Yeah, the thing is the size of a tennis ball. The magnetic mount is almost worth the $60 price tag too. You can mount it ANYWHERE and direct it ANYWHERE. I am still trying to find a way to incorporate it into my system. My LFS has one in a 29g and it is silent and really pushes some water.



New Member
Not bad, they seem to have similar features. I wish I could try them both out to see which one is more effective and useful.