Lurking in Nano-Reef find NanoTank comment....


New Member
mikeguerrero said:
Hey guys, gals,

I was on nano-reef and found a thread on an opinion of our site, thought I would share for you guys to interact or just be informed.


Here it is, follow what Garf says: ... adid=52161
Mike, are you pointing out that he said this?

"I quickly deleted, read a lot here first! Today I decided to go back to and man, that site makes the most opinionated poster here on look mellow in comparison!"


Staff member
I frequent several boards and saw that thread a few days ago. I decided to give it all of the merit it deserves and ignored it. I have learned alot on this board and that one but I have seen some negative posting over there quite often, its not as bad as it used to be (a year or so ago) but sometimes you can tell when the younger crowd (no offense meant) decides its time to start an elementary school flame war.


Active Member
Yeah dragon,

That's the quote. I just thought I'd share since I found it to be a generalization and not concrete.

Just my opinion.



New Member
Thanks for pointing that out Mike. This Garf guy didn't even register at our site (at least not with that username) so I don't know what he's referring to.

He must of looked at just one post and made a very opinionated statement. It he were to read through just a little section of our site, he would soon learn that his statement is not ture. Let's hope he stays over at nano-reef. :mrgreen: