Low light coral


New Member
Hi I am taking suggestions on low light corals. In my tank there is a fission nano skimmer, HOB filter with sponge and carbon, rio 90 (I have to check), heater of course and two coralife 10w mini compact flourescents 50/50. So my question is what can I keep in my tank? I trust you guys more than the guy at my lfs as he tried to sell me a puffer for my 10g tank :whever: . and I also have a false percula clown, 5 turbo, snails, emerald crab and one hermit (I am waiting on more to come in).


New Member
my bad I fogot how professional you guys are. my nitrates are 0, the tank is a month old and I do weekly water changes of 10%.


New Member
Ummmm, sorry about that one :oops:

With 20w over the 10, you are going to be extremely limited on what you can keep. Is there anyway that you can get more lighting? Otherwise I would stick with some basic shrooms to see how they handle it.



New Member
Ok thanks i will have to save up for new lights. I will have to do more research on those coralifes to see who else uses them and what corals they have in their tank.


New Member
I had a ten with the 18w CL lamp and even with two of them it was hard to keep anything if your looking at zoos or anything along those line then I would look at like 65w IMO when I was running my 10 I used the CL 96 quad it was a great light and I could keep almost anything even had and SPS in there obvisouly higher then the rest of the corals I am still using the same light on a 20H with no lighting issues the light ran me around $129 at a LFS so I am sure if you wanted to do a little research you could find it a little cheaper online but anyway I hope this helps

Jennie its alright I think all of us get ahead of our selves once in a while :D


Staff member
You could also keep some zoos but they would be the more brown ones, the more colorful ones would need higher lighting. You could also try a sun coral since they actually prefer low light.


New Member
Thanks for all of the help guys it is much appreciated. Upon researching my lights I finally found the website for coralife and here are the lights http://www.esuweb.com/cardfile.asp?Item ... ionship=34 . Now on Dr. Foster & Smith's site it said that one 10w bulb equals a 50w florescent bulb. Has anyone else used these lights and if so what do you keep? p.s. I am by no means sidestepping anyone elses suggestions. I am going to buy new lights but I just want to know what I can enjoy until i get them.


if it were me - lights first, then critters - this light is not enough for a ten gal tank - now i'm not saying you can't keep a shroom or zoa under these lights just that its not in the best interest of the animals you place in your care.
enjoy your invert/FOWLER tank as it is till you can get the proper lighting. i prefer the 80 W (2 - 40W's) over the 96W for a 10g because you have the option of dusk/dawn effect and the orbit is on sale right now for 100$
http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/P ... 13345+2032


Staff member
Before you order any lights check around and see what kind of prices you can find, shopping around can save you a decent chunk of change. I would take a look at www.hellolights.com as well as the major e-tailers.


New Member
For what it is worth Drs. Foster and Smith has excellent customer service. I purchased the 80w current orbital light fixture from them and it had a burned out light when I powered it on for the first time. Called them up and they walked me through switching the bulbs to make sure it was the bulb and not the ballast. Sent me out a new bulb next day free of charge and they were super friendly.