Live Rock ?


New Member
I have another question, I was just reading the Live Rock article that was posted, and I set my 12g up with Ultra Dry Base rock, should I get a piece of the Fiji Premium rock that my LFS sells to help my tank cycle better?


New Member
That's what I was thinking,could that be part of the reason why my Ph is low? I did get the water and Sand from the LFS stores Display tank, but I think I am going to add a couple pieces just to be on the safe side.


New Member
Ph can be low due to a number of reasons most common is inadequate oxygen air exchange systems with tight fitting lids usually have a lower ph than one that has an open top also opening the windows will also help raise it ...if you test with the lights off it may be lower as well and if you test with the lights on you will find that it raises as well if you find that with testing with windows open and lights on and an open top that you are still having low ph you may need to get a buffer to help keep it in check for you :mrgreen:


New Member
stability is the key with many things in these tanks , ideally you want your ph around 8.2 -8.4 IMHHO :mrgreen: