live rock placement - stack it high or spread it out


New Member
Tank - JBJ 28HQI

28 Gallon tank and 30 lbs of rock on 15 lbs of live sand. I placed the rock to form a large cave with multiple access routes, but I'm not that happy with the way it looks. The tank will be coral oriented, with a few fish and inverts for a cleanup crew.

Would there be an issue with spreading the rock around more - leaving just enough room to get the cleaning equipment between it and the tank?
Do both. Fill the tank but leave enough room for future corals as most come attached to plugs or small pieces of LR rubble. If I had to pick one or the other, I would go medium. Kinda spread out and kind high. I am probably not helping huh? lol

Ritsuko N

New Member
No this would not be an issue if done the way you describe. I would also add about 5 more pounds unless you have some really light weight porus rock. If your using Fiji the stocking ratio thats often suggested is 1.25 - 1.5 lbs per a gallon depending on the density of the rock. Since the tank willbe coral oriented, I would arrange the rock in what ever manor allowed for the most locations for placing corals.


New Member
Just keep in mind some corals come attached to rock and may need room for the rock. Just make sure the rock is stable however you place it.


New Member
Thanks for the input - I think I have it stacked a little too high at the back of the tank - I'll take it down a layer and move forward in the tank.