Live rock near light?


New Member
Hi all,

We have a new 14G Nanocube. We set it up and, to start, got a live rock with mushrooms (fungus?). They've done fine and we didn't put anything else in it for a week. Today, we got a few more live rocks, two with some coral (pinkish and orangish). I wanted them to be sitting on the sand but my boyfriend said they should be closer to the lights. On the sand they'd be about a foot from the light, on the rock, about 6 inches. Do y'all think that makes a difference? Is there anything else I should be concerned about? We've added two "starter" fish -- a couple damsels and they seem to be doing fine.

Thanks to all for your help!


New Member
First things first. How long has this tank been set up? Are you testing for nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia?

It is always a good idea to start new corals out on the bottom of the tank and slowly (over a week or more) move them up to the position where you want them. What kind of corals are they? Any pictures?

Also, do make sure that the live rock you are now adding is FULLY cured and free from organic materials that can die off which can cause the ammonia levels to spike in the tank.

:welcome to!



Staff member
Jesse has pretty much covered what needs to be said for now but I want to say :welcome to nanotank!