Little bro put 2 tubs of food in tank most dead......


New Member
got 2 hermits left a friend has got a marine tank and taken them but i have to get the tank up and running as soon as possible. Its going to need maturing again.

Advice please
thankyou in advance


New Member
One of the best pieces of advice I have ever gotten, actually from The Concientious Marine Aquarist... take your food with you when you leave for vacation if someone will be sitting your tank. If you dont want to bring it with you, throw it away. It is better for your fish not to receive any food, even if it is for a couple weeks, than to be overfed or have something like this happen. People kill with random acts of kindness.

Sorry to hear that this happened to you. Hopefully you will be able to recover.



New Member
i am getting a bolt for my door its just going to be hard to mature the filter in a short time.
