Lights for a BTA


New Member
Hi guys,

I have a question I want to get a green BTA for my clown. I am going to have to upgrade my lights for this. What is the minimum I could go with for this tank with a BTA (no coral)? I don't want to spend too much.

This site is great you guys are so help full!




New Member ... 004+113352
(36inch 300 watts) ... 004+113352
I would say that on a 30 gallon cube 300 watts is the lower end of the spectrum , due to the depth of the tank. I would also recommend that you wait a couple of months longer if you can so as to allow the tank to mature some , then you could add one keeping in mind that a BTA will eventually out grow your tank.I am sure others will give you some in put for proper lighting . There is one other thing to keep in mind while they need good lighting and an established tank they will also benifit from direct feedings 1 or 2 times a week hope this helps :mrgreen:


Staff member
I have to agree that the tank should mature to a minimum of 6 months old before attempting an anenome. What size tank is trhis going to be on?


New Member
listen to them, they know what they are talking about.

i got myself a condylactus anemone because it was cheap and i thought it was cute... never really looked healthy, stopped sticking to rocks, got sucked up into my filter and died.... save a life, save your money, dont get it unless you are prepared to buy proper lighting and flow for an anemone


New Member
sorry I dont think that it is enough light for a bta . Lighting is something not to skip on for your size tank or any tank for that matter especially when you want to keep corals or an anenome . I have 72 wats on a 7gmb and there are times that I think and know that I do not have enough lighting for my stuff . My next upgrade will be for 150 mh with pc provided I can get that to fit a hood , the other thing that I need to conqure is the heating issues . 6 months is the shortest time to wait I would say at a year after you have had regular readings that are good and consistant ... :mrgreen:


New Member
I had an rbta that i just sold a week ago after having it in my 16 for 2 years. needless to say, it got too big for the tank. i had 80 watts pc on it...always thought it wasnt enough lighting, but i kept it well fed on uncooked tiger shrimp and silversides.


New Member
Hi Guys,

I picked up a 36" 67X2 50/50 light today. I needed a good light and I got a good deal on it. It should be good enogh for my 30G FOWLR.

