Kind of new


New Member
You guys went off air for a while I guess. I couldn't get back on with my old name :roll: so I have a new one now. It was Renee E. I have a 9 gallon Jebo. Which is doing well by the way.


New Member
Hi Renee, yes the site was down for 2 days (see announcement). It appears we lost a few days worth of posts...sorry about that :( . Anyways, glad your tank is doing well.

How is the clown? How are your parameters?


New Member
Ammonia .50ppm
Nitrite 5.0ppm
Nitrate 20ppm

I have 7lbs live rock in there now.The clown fish is doing great. Perky and eating well.


New Member
Ahh, finally got some live rock huh? Where'd you get it? How much was it per lb?

Just keep doing weekly water changes and testing your water chemistry. You will learn soon (I'm sure you've already realized it) that patience is the key to a successful nano tank. Glad to hear everything is going well. 8)


New Member
Yep! I have about 8 lbs of Fiji and Tonga rock. I got it at Neptunes. The Fiji is 5.99 and the Tonga a whopping 11.99! They had a so-so assortment. We had went all the way across town to Aquarium World. Nice store, but all the rock looked uncured. Tanks look way better now. Fish is doing good too