Jelly fish/octopus???


New Member
Is it possible to have tiny jelly fish/octopus in a 20G nano aquarium. The reason why I am asking is because when I was scraping algae off the glass I saw a 2mm round transparent/little whitish thing with 5 legs all around. It kind of looked like a very, very tiny jelly fish or even a tiny, tiny octopus. I went to get the camera but by the time I was back it was gone off the glass. Any idea what it could have been?


New Member

dont think it was a octi more probable was a jelly but be careful with it
did you just get new live rock & if so where from & what kind
if it is jelly be very careful as such some /like the one from australia are very-very toxic so move with care
one type of species anacongie is so deadly it being only the size you mention is a know killer that lives around the GBR of australia so wear protection when in your tank
just thought I would let you know bout him


Staff member
I would think if anything along these lines it was a hydroid which is in the jellifish family. They don't pose a threat in aquariums unless they get to plague proportions and then they are hardest on fry and dwarf seahorses.


New Member
could it have been a mini brittle star. I have a few in my tank and that description fits them perfect. After all they do have five legs all around.


New Member
Ok, you just scared the c**p out of me. I would never though that something so small could be so toxic. In my very limited experience it really looked like a tiny jelly. LIke I said though I am new to this. I had my hand in there installing things, and all. I will definitely invest is some gloves to work in there. SOme of the small creatures freak me out.
The rock that I bought is from Fiji, at least that is what they told me. I have about 4 pieces and they all are different, I mean way different in the way the look, feel, and so on.

Would anyone have a website that would show the dangerous jelly?


New Member
I had some small whit starfish/jellyfish show up when my nano was a couple months old. I figure its the same as I saw in my tank. They disappeared as quickly as they appeared.


New Member
have you seen a pic of the asterina star on the hitchhikers guide??? i freaked at first, but that's what it ended up being.