Jebo Odyssea power compact lights?


New Member
Does anyone own a Jebo Odyssey with the led lights connected to the mounting legs? Thats what I got from the pictures but tried to look for the company's website but there wasn't one... I was wondering if the mounting legs could adjust to the tank size? Like Coralife lights can adjust to the length of the tank, I was wandering if the Jebo's were the same? If anyone can help me out, it would be appreciated :thanks


Staff member
I have an 18 watter and the legs are adjustable, they slide in a small groove on the bottom of the fixture. I can't help for sure on the ones with the LEDs like you are asking about though.


Staff member
These lights are mostly used for refugiums but could be used in a tank but would need actinic supplementation. The color temperature of the bulb is 6,500k, this would make it slightly yellowish but definitely within the acceptable range for corals.


New Member
I agree you could use them for the tank but watch for stress of the corals . Also acitinic will help off set the "yellow" look you will get :mrgreen: