JBJ Nano Cube Water levels - Flaw?


New Member
Well it appears that I probably put too much water in my tank the first time out. But the great one page users guide does not provide any information regarding the proper water level. Being the novice that I am I assumed the water should be to the bottom of the glass to bezel connection. I didn't think to look at the levels in the overflow chambers. Upon further review I THINK they should be this way:
--------------| Where the ---- lines are the water level
|_________ for each of the chambers.

If the above is correct, we would have to keep the water level in the tank about an inch below the top glass to bezel line. This would put the overflow ~ half way down the existing return. That really makes the tank look like it's being neglected - owner can't even maintain proper water level. I wonder if JBJ really intended it to be this way. Thankfully the cassette skimmer puts the water in the overflow at the levels shown above and the water line is within 1/8 of an inch of the glass to bezel line.

Anyone else have any ideas about this?


New Member
You wan't to fill it up to about 1/4" above the "bezel", you know where the glass starts to disappear behind the front black plastic lip. It doesn't matter how the water is flowing in the back as long as everything is "flowing".

I feel stupid for always replying to your threads. Just say go away if I am annoying. :neutral:


New Member
That's how I did it originally but there was no separation between water flow within the second and third chambers. Isn't the water suppose to flow into the first chamber down through the sponge and into the second chamber from below and up through the second chamber into the third?

So what you are saying is that the water level in the second and third chambers can be above the plastic seperating the two and it doesn't matter?

What brought this to my attention was the amount of the live sand that had settled at the bottom of the third chamber.

Many thanks!!


New Member
Technically, no it does not matter. It only matters if there is filtration media in there that everything has to pass through. The sponge is not necessary in your application. Water movement and aireation is all that is needed.

What pump are you using? Is it clogged or anything?


New Member
Not sure on this one. Im thinking maybe a higher GPH pump will push out the water faster and make the baffles work to your liking? But not too much GPH tho.