Is my clown sleeping or not well?

sam crossland

New Member
Hi got my first fish on fri, a small clown. Put him in and he's been very active and healthy untill this morning where I came down early-6.30 am for work and he was on his side at the top of the tank. I panicked and touched his tail fin with my finger and he started to move but just slowly. I;ve had to come to work but my wife say's he's started to move a little more but still very slow. Also he is now hiding down the side of the filter where it is dark is this normal? thanks for your help!


New Member
doesn't sound normal to me... mine sleep, but they have a little low spot in the sand they have caved out to do the sleepin deed.
and they dont sleep on their sides as far as i know, but i'm def not the most educated on this site, so see what others say.


New Member
No that doesnt sound normal to me either. Keep an eye on him and watch to see if he shows any other signs.



Staff member
I agree, not normal. Check things like your temp and parameters. I would also make sure that you have good water movement at the surface so there is good oxygen exchange.


New Member
I'm not very knowledgeable either but I just added a clow to my tank last week. He never floated on his side but he does hang out alot by the filter in the small dark areas. Untill he gets mad or hungry. Then he comes out and yells at me and pushes his fin around. I think he's mad because I took him away from his anemone that he was hosting at the LFS. Anyway..... The floating doesn't sound normal but the hiding does. $.02


New Member
I will tell you one thing though. My clown was the first fish in my tank. He hid ALOT. But when I put my YWG in with him, he stopped hiding. He is now out in the open 90% of the time.


sam crossland

New Member

Well he is very active and happy now I've been watching him for the last couple of day's and every morning it's the same story he's floating around sometimes hanging upside down and doesn't notice the food I put in. But later on in the day he's swimming around and happy I'm sure he's just sleeping?


Staff member
It sounds like he must be sleeping. I would wait to feed the tank until he decides to be more active later in the day.


New Member
a friend has an oscar that does this, but honestly, never heard of a clownfish doing it.

anyone else in the tank??