Is it ok to keep 3 fish in a Biocube 14?


New Member
I have had Bioucube 14 set up for about a month now with about 18 pounds of live rock and 20 pounds of live sand. The back is set up with a fuge full of cheato and some LR rubble underneath it. I got the LR from an established tank. It has a lot of purple coralline algae and a couple little polyps. I think it was really good stuff because the tank never seemed to cycle. I have had a CUC in it since the beginning with 2 snails and 3 red legged hermits. A few days ago I purchased a cleaner shrimp and a royal gramma. In another month I was thinking of adding a pair of percula clowns. Do you think this would be too many fish for a 14 gallon tank? And if not will the gramma and clowns be ok together? And then how long after that should I wait to start adding soft corals.

Thanks, I would appreciate any advise.


New Member
I also have a14g biocube, and I have two percula clowns and a6 line wrasse. they have plenty of room to swim and hide. mine has been setup for about two months now. I also have a medium size rock full off button polyps, 6 or 7 diff mushrooms and a large rock that I'm trying to get zoos to grow on.


New Member
I have a percula, coral beauty and a bicolor blennie in my 14g biocube, along with a gorgonian forest (purple frilly), 1 frogspawn, 1 hammerhead, a small colony of zooanthid, 20lbs of fiji LR and my tank is doing great. I change out 3gls of water evry week and i dont have any problems. My tank has been set up for 2 yrs


New Member
I have a six month old 14g biocube with about 15lbs of LR and 20lbs of sand. Lots of softees, a couple of inverts with one Ocellaris, a fire fish, and a goby. All happy....