

New Member
Hey All

I have been lurking on the Nanotank forum for about a month now and today is finally my day to come forward and say hello.

I have been keeping marine aquariums for 1.5 years now and I thoroughly enjoy the hobby. I started out with a 3 gallon Eclipse tank. The Eclipse tank was a total disaster. The end came when it cracked and leaked a majority of its water.

My current tank is a 24 gallon Nano Cube with a few modifications. The tank was set up for one year. Due to a reoccuring cyanobacteria problem, I broke down the tank and rebuilt it. My tank is about two weeks old again, lol. I will create a thread describing the rebuild process.

I am open for comments and discussion. Thanks for looking :)



Staff member
:welcome to the board! I look forward to hearing more from you in the near future.


New Member
Great and thanks for the welcome all. I'll start posting some pictures in a few minutes here. Look for a new thread! :)



New Member
Welcome to the site! Can't wait to see pics and info concerning your cube. I've had my NC6 for almost 6 months now and I love it.

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