I think I made a mistake...


New Member
I trusted my LFS guy.... I am not too savvy on fish compatibility and asked if this Flame Hawk would pose a problem in my tank. Of course he said no, but I did some research and apparently I have a buffet for a Hawkfish. The tank is 55g but the current and future inhabitants will be/are:

2 peppermint shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp

3 firefish
1 mandarin
1 Yellow watchman goby
2 ocellarus clownfish
1 tiger pistol shrimp
1 pom pom crab
couple feather dusters
and of course a clean up crew of snails and hermits.

I think I have a buffet for this guy. Does anyone have any personal experience with these fish? I read that they will eat shrimp, snails, hermits, and pick on slow fish.

He's in QT now, so I can take him back if need be.

Ritsuko N

New Member
Oooh, thats not good as these guys are reef safe with caution at best. If its young and small its kinda cool but eventually those shrimp/crabs are "on the menu" :shock: .


New Member
Yep, well, sanity took over and I took him back. The LFS was very cool about it and gave me a full refund. So I stuck to the fish I have already researched and designed the tank to have. So don't start on me :D Here he is... I have TONS of pods, a refuge, and prepared to supplement tank with pods if need be. I really need a better camera, I can't take photos with my point and shoot inside the tank. I have to stand like 5 feet back and zoom in and try to hold the camera "really really still". Which for me is impossible :strip
