New Member
ok. so cause of last event or disaster on my tank im waiting some time to add some fish so i decided to gather info so can some one tell me info or links about ..

greenbanded goby.. like should be housed in pairs or more or just one their care and bla bla bal

same as yellow clown goby.... cathalina goby.... cleaner shrimp and sexy shrimp...i know alot of goby family .. just whant to make right choice...
and also greenbanded and neon goby are compatible and how about cathalina and neon goby and cleaner shrimp with sexy shrimp.

well just to give info my temperature normaly is between 79.2 to 80
water is
PH 8.2

AND also why is everything ok and i still have some diatoms on my sand bed and some slime red or brownish red algie ??? should i put a phosphate removere and something to kill red algie like chemi-mmm dont remember.

i have some chemi-pure on my tank change it every 3 months.. lights run
6am to 9am and 2pm to 8pm.

ohh about pictures i promise sorry ill post them tomorrow or the next day .

but here is a list of what is on my tank.

8 lavander mushrooms
mix coral of yellow polyps,stardust,red zoos,purple zoos..
frag of pin dot and green zoo
frag of stardust
another kind of shroom dont know the name but ill post some pics
2 green blue purplish shrooms
white torch
frag of pipe organ.

i need all info cause im planning to host one of this options

1) 2 greenbanded , 1 blue neon goby, 2 sexy shrimps
2) 2 greenbanded , 1 blue neon goby, 1 sexy shrimp & 1 cleaner shrimp
3) 1 greenbanded, 1 neon goby, yellow clown goby, 1 sexy & 1 cleaner
4) 1 greenbanded,1 cathalina, 1 yellow clown goby.

about shrimps what sounds the best

1) 1 sexy & 1 cleaner
2) 2 sexy & 1 cleaner
3) 2 sexy's

in conclusion need alot of info on gobidae family and compatibility


p.s: study time....also it's bad to add too much live planckton in the tank i do like 4 caps of plank or more every 4 days.


New Member
I know that the catalina goby is probably not a choice for you considering the fact that they are cold water, not tropical. As for the gobies, if it were my tank, I would only have ONE. Reason being, I like to have my tanks be as LOW maintainance as possible. Having only the one fish minimizes the bioload. As for shrimp, I have only had the same ol' shrimp in my 2+ years of reefing and that has been my peppermint...love him. He is active, even climbs on my hand and cleanes it everytime he gets a chance...definetly NOT shy!!

EDGRAY said:
also why is everything ok and i still have some diatoms on my sand bed and some slime red or brownish red algie ??? should i put a phosphate removere and something to kill red algie like chemi-mmm dont remember.
As far this, I would say that it is TOTALLY expected, considering the rapid rate at which you originally stocked it, which didnt really give it any chance to fully get in any kind of groove. Give it time. Dont keep adding this to fix that, and that to fix this...K.I.S.S--> Keep It Simple...Silly.

EDGRAY said:
lights run 6am to 9am and 2pm to 8pm.
Just wondering why you split up your photoperiod? I would suggest just running them like 8a.m to 8p.m or somewhere in there...usually 10 to 12 hours.


New Member
I split up my photoperiod cause i like to keep my running lights for short time and i do that schedule cause i wake up at 6am and i leave around 8 to 9am and during that time i want to see my tank and then i set the timer to start on lights at 2pm and i turn them out at 8pm or sometimes at 10pm.. not for a specific reason


New Member
Hey there Ed :mrgreen:
I would say that for the gobies I agree with reefman catalina gobies are cold water only species (70* or lower) if I recall correctly ....
option 2 looks ok but remember to wait out getting them till like Feb or March let your tank settle down , do continue with the high water quality and even so after the wait (I know you know this ;-) )Now when the time comes to add fishies do so slowly like one then wait 2 weeks or longer for the bioload to catch up .. Lighting period just set your timer to come on at 10 am or noon that way it is on for the photo period , it is way simple since you have a timer :)
as for the plankton that stuff is potent I am not sure of the dosage but you are adding WAY too MUCH :) I think that is only a dropper or every 2 or 3 days a week and since I dont use that I cant really give you an answer on the plankton all I can say is it seems to be too much :mrgreen: Keep the questions comming .... :mrgreen:


New Member
sadielynn said:
as for the plankton that stuff is potent I am not sure of the dosage but you are adding WAY too MUCH :) I think that is only a dropper or every 2 or 3 days a week and since I dont use that I cant really give you an answer on the plankton all I can say is it seems to be too much :mrgreen: Keep the questions comming .... :mrgreen:
Good point...i forgot to comment on that. That does seems like quite a bit. Things like that will through your tank out of whack...nitrates and ammonia and such. Plus, I dont really see a need for phytplankto considering the corals that you have...maybe a light dosing once a week.


New Member
You don't need to be dosing phyto anywhere near as heavily as you have been. Maybe one capful a week, and even that's quite a bit for that size tank, with the corals you've got.



New Member
incysor said:
You don't need to be dosing phyto anywhere near as heavily as you have been. Maybe one capful a week, and even that's quite a bit for that size tank, with the corals you've got.


Yeh...Edgray, understand that foods such as phytoplankton are extremely concentrated. What seems like just a little bit to us is actually a very large amount.



New Member
OK. guys i understand but why?????? anyone helps me with all my questions ....just plankton and plankton... i get it sorry but i need help...or should i say i need to learn more about does fishies and shrimps. :oops:


New Member
think of it this way (even if you keep a good water change schedule and high quality )
if you use too much of the plankton it will foul the water making it difficult for the fishies ...... think of your basics you plankton will brake down to ammonia to nitrIte to nitrAte, it will also feed the bad algae's as well as possibly causing diatom outbreaks as well as cynobacteria. Now while a little is ok and even benificial to suppliment your filter feeders it also has its negitive drawbacks. As I mentioned earlier the ammonia is hard on fish and can cause burns to thier little gills , essentially causing them to suffocate, kind of brutal and painful injury or even death .
The plankton you are feeding is just for filter feeders ie featherdusters, sponges and such will use this, but the fish rely on food like pellets or flakes for marine fish ,or cyclop-eeze (in the freezer of the pet store ) feed all the fish foods sparingly every other day place a flake or pellet in let them eat the place another in (some fish are beggers by nature ) dont worry about not feeding them enough , worry about feeding TOO MUCH as this will break down as your Ammonia NitrIte NitrAtes . Your shrimp (s) are scavengers they will find what they can to eat on the bottom . I hope this helps you out some and helps you understand it a little better , Others here may be able to break it down further for you and easier . Now Ed I need for you to say what fishies you have decide on , this way others can help you learn about a specific fish /shrimp . You may ask of several to find ones that will fit your tank specifications.........


New Member
EDGRAY said:
i need all info cause im planning to host one of this options

1) 2 greenbanded , 1 blue neon goby, 2 sexy shrimps
2) 2 greenbanded , 1 blue neon goby, 1 sexy shrimp & 1 cleaner shrimp
3) 1 greenbanded, 1 neon goby, yellow clown goby, 1 sexy & 1 cleaner
4) 1 greenbanded,1 neon goby, 1 yellow clown goby.

about shrimps what sounds the best

1) 1 sexy & 1 cleaner
2) 2 sexy & 1 cleaner
3) 2 sexy's

in conclusion need alot of info on gobidae family and compatibility

does are the ones i decided and maybe have for a little while a mini tiny blue tang from fiji i think. while it grows the tank and then give it away well if doesnt die first jajajajaja.... so does are the fish i decided above and this one.


New Member
Stop tangs are NOT appropriate for that tank size even the small ones .
They require lots and lots and lots of swim room , they need a tank of 75 gallons or greater . They will stress out , develop ich and most likely die , even if they are small . Do as you will but you will be back saying my tang died why? THe catalina goby is a cold water species
option 1 here is your care on these gobies
http://liveaquaria.com/product/prod_dis ... d=1144&N=0
option 2 here is your care on the blue neon

http://liveaquaria.com/product/prod_dis ... d=1869&N=0
option 3 here is the care on the yellow clown goby
http://liveaquaria.com/product/prod_dis ... d=1441&N=0
There is a lot here on gobies as well use the search function
here is a link where Incysor has hit on some of the fish mentioned .
http://nanotank.com/forum/viewtopic.php ... 657cfe0658
As for your shrimps any one of those sound fine I personally would go with option 1 . They are all scavangers and will eat left overs from the fish . I am sure others will help on the stuff I have missed . I hope this helps you out some


Active Member

I think you should really stop and listen to Sadie, she is trying to help you. Her knowledge of reefing is valuable and if listened to will give you years of enjoyment out of your reef.

If you don't listen to her, you might as well not even post your concerns about fish and critters here on nanotank.

It's irrespondsible for you to act in your interest and not your fish. The end result is your animals dying and you laughing about it. Yes they are just animals but they too feel pain and want to live.

Please listen to Sadie, she means you well.

Mike G.


New Member
Thanks Mike
Ed I have been where you are and had to learn the hard way... This was before I found this site . Since our fish dont have voices like Nemo we have to learn what they need before they need it before they are bought , Now dont take this the wrong way that I am comming down on you but there is a wealth of info to be had by doing some research.......and tho you are asking questions you are not listening . I am still learning and if you took a poll today and ask each member if they are still learning I am almost sure that most if not all would say that they still do research before a purchace in most cases . We all have our moments of weakness but we never stop trying to offer the "perfect" home for our guys......Truth be told it sometimes is the hardest to see something fall in love and have to walk away for the health of the critter......I too have always wanted a tang but can not because I dont have anywhere other than the bathtub for one so I enjoy watching mikes video of his over and over , I visit them at the lfs but will not fall into that trap .....There was a point and time that I thought that I would never own a fish because of the failures ... I stopped took a deep breath pulled out ALL the reciepts and log book (yes I log everything that goes in and comes out of my tanks and thier price) added it up counted the lives of those that I had killed and cried.....My husband thanked me for that because that slowed me way down. Now I wait almost 2-4 weeks even longer before adding anything more. I have walked away neumorous times from impulse purchace to go home and read , that comes from experience and failure. My husband and I are far from rich so I need to do the right thing from the getgo. My last impulse purchace was a maroon striped clown , and I knew better I had him for 6 months or so and bonded to him end result he is in a petstore tank that I am not allowed back into till my hubby is sure they sold him so that I dont buy him and set up a larger tank. I hope that some one will love him as I did / do . I miss him but did what was best for him. One thing that you need to see is that our eco systems are small , not infoulable, and dont offer alot of room. I do it too I see a fish and say I want one then come home the the 2 that I have now and say naw these 2 are perfect......Dont need no more . I get the impression that you want it all and now and you want what only a big tank will do for . I think that you should be 100% sure on your fish say to yourself once I buy these there is NO turning back . I cant add more than x ammount to this system once you have that number STOP dont push it or you will be destine for failure .........best of luck to you my friend


New Member
mikeguerrero said:

If you don't listen to her, you might as well not even post your concerns about fish and critters here on nanotank.

It's irrespondsible for you to act in your interest and not your fish. The end result is your animals dying and you laughing about it. Yes they are just animals but they too feel pain and want to live.

Mike G.
I Know and i listen mike like i know for sure that ill never gonna get any mandy's again but i think was tooo rude that you say (you might as well not even post your concerns about fish and critters here on nanotank) i really felt offended or something i do pay attention and i dont laugh when my fish die i cry them all when they died and i was really depressed that day and i was really close to them and i did everything to save them but i didnt got on time to take them to lfs cause i was working and if i said something like ( ill give them away or until they die and i put a lol) is not cause i feel is funny i just put it like that cause is easier to them to die than live for along period even if i try my best to keep them and i do respect nature and all around me .. just whant to say i love animals and i dont lol when they died is just i cant make them live along time but i know why i need to learn more that's why i post all the time and i do listen but anyways..

thx saddielyn i really apreciate your help i know about liking a fish that you can keep ... like me i love mandys and i even made a song for my beloved froggy that is resting in piece i do miss her and draco and was really hard but i learned something you know and also ill keep studing and thx i already new the liveaquaria page i did that reading i just needed like another page just to doble check what is the info of the fishies that i like but the other links were alot of help thx ... you are always there for me you to kind thx for be that special sadelyn .....

and im sorry if i sounded rude or insolent mike but i got upset and i think i over reacted but is just that i might look that i dont learn but im do learning....

but thx nanotank. users this is my good bye...

was nice to meeting you all... and to see all your pictures and tanks....


i love you guys/girls.......

have good luck with the other users...


New Member
I am not going to beg you to stay but wish you would.
I dont think that Mike ment it as an insult tho it may come across as that , typing at a computer at times is inpersonal , and there is no emotion to the words. No facial expressions to be see . Mike is truly a good guy .
another place to look might be www.saltwaterfish.com
If you do go good luck my friend I wish you and all your endevors well


Active Member

You are considered a contributing member on this site and I would hate to see you leave just because I miss interrupted your post....

You see, I saw you laughing about the Tang dying and since I'm and Environmental Instuctor at a Junior College, I felt the need to educate you on following good advice that Sadie was giving you.

I now realize that you were just playing and maybe English isn't your first language as I didn't see your humor, I do apologize to you and any board member I might of offended by what I stated here earlier.

My intent was to back up Sadie and nothing more or less; I do hope you understand my point as I do understand yours.

Hope to see you posting again here at Nanotank...


Mike Guerrero


New Member

I know it's hard to comment being that my mike is my brother, but I've read it over and over and I have to agree with what's said there, but without hitting you with a negative impact. Here at NT, people are friendly and very rarely do we see flaming or put downs here. One thing that stands clear is that in different posts, not all, you have shown no regard to your fish or care for them. I've seen laughs, I've seen you say things like "hurry and die so I can buy another" type attitude. I've seen where it's concerned Sadie greatly because of the things you say. To some not knowing you, it would look as if you are "heartless" I think you may have been kidding or heck, maybe not, but from going off "words" here on a message forum, it's very easy to misinterpret things.

With saying that I think you may have misinterperated what my brother said to you. He's saying you can't learn if you aren't willing to listen. If we are typing advice for you, and you're are not even listening or attempting the advice given, how can we help?? How can you learn?? It's not all in vain, some of the newbies, can come and read and learn from this, so our responses to you may not be all in vain. I think this would be great information to link to the next guy or gal who goes through a similiar ordeal.

Ed, again here we are a very mild group, and if you think that is something offensive to you, try your luck at reef central or nano-reef. They'd surely tear you a new one for just about anything you say there, and if you are the sensitive type, be ready for getting your feelings hurt a lot. Not a whole lot of people have patience on boards like those.

Well enough lectures, I think you know what I mean, without sounding all mean. Take care, I hope you do learn, and I hope you get your tank up successfully some day. I'm sure we'd love to hear about it once it does. Later Ed


New Member
Eddie, nobody wants to see you leave. We all enjoy everyones company, and the members really are what make this site what it is.

I do have to say..after reading your other post...that if patience isnt your thing, reefing will make or break you. THE KEY to reefing is patience...work on that, and you will be fine.

Whatever you do...if you truly were offended by anything on this site...DO NOT GO TO WWW.NANO-REEF.COM!!! I am not a sensitive person, but that has not kept me from being offended by things that were said to me and others. I wish you would stay...i think there is a great wealth of knowledge along with the nicest froup of people on any reef site...TRUST ME.

whatever your decision...good luck.
