hydor koralia's


New Member
Looking to upgrade from maxi jet modded pumps to hydors.... looking for 20 tank turn over in a 72 gallon bowfront.

Hydor 3 is about 900 and hydor 4 is about 1200

The flow with my maxijets is stong but to direct.

Would i be good with 2 number 3's?


New Member
Here are the sizes.

Model  	   Flow Rate   Watts  Dimensions
Koralia 1 	400 gph 	  3.5   2-1/4" x 5"
Koralia 2 	600 gph 	   9 	2-7/8" x 5-7/8"
Koralia 3 	850 gph 	  10 	2-7/8" x 5-7/8"
Koralia 4 	1,200 gph 	12 	3-1/4" x 6-1/4"
2400gph would definitely be over the 20x (1400gph) that you are looking for. You could run 2x #3's and be closer to your target. The sizes aren't much different from each other that it makes a huge difference inside of your tank. The prices don't seem too bad either.


New Member
I would personally go with the two of the model #4s. The flow is so dispursed on the koralias and i think your corals will appreciate the additional flow.



New Member
wish they were a bit smaller then i would replace my 250gph PH. They are kind of big for a 29g tank. :sad:


New Member
the 1's are definetly not too big for a small tank like a 29 even 2's would be OK i believe
but the prob i have with my 4's and anyone looking to upgrade to them is distance from nozel to the first coral. their mag mounts are awesome and allow you to put them anywhere but you still need some distance (say 8") so you don't blow right at/on a coral.
as i've said before there is no such thing as too much flow - it is the direction and placement of that flow so that you eliminate dead spots without blowing the sand around or directly stricking a coral that is the trick/art


New Member
don't get me wrong though, it can be done and they are nice cheap sources of high volume low pressure flow - note the placement of my #4's in my sig tank. i've also considered replaceing some of my MJ's with #2's but i like the flow created with my natural wave timers and mj's and koralias can not be timed