Hi every one,
Havent been on for a while but work has been crazy and you know the expression, Take it when it comes. Im in landscaping so this is the crazy time.
Anyhow, I have had the fortune of minimal problems with both my Nano tanks as of late but recently have noticed that some of corals have been losing colour on some parts and recently one of my corals died. I thought it was going though a phase but it went from the normal colour to a pale colour beige white and then yesterday started to melt away. Wondering why it died. Yesterday I also noticed that my plate coral has been losing some of its colour on the side where it attached to the rock. Is that a bad sign of doom? I have been keeping up with my water changes and have been diligent of keeping the tank clean. Some of the other corals are also showing stress. I dont have a skimmer. Is that a problem? I feed phytoplankton about twice a week and once a week i add a little Calcium, Strointium and Iodine.
Any Ideas?
Havent been on for a while but work has been crazy and you know the expression, Take it when it comes. Im in landscaping so this is the crazy time.
Anyhow, I have had the fortune of minimal problems with both my Nano tanks as of late but recently have noticed that some of corals have been losing colour on some parts and recently one of my corals died. I thought it was going though a phase but it went from the normal colour to a pale colour beige white and then yesterday started to melt away. Wondering why it died. Yesterday I also noticed that my plate coral has been losing some of its colour on the side where it attached to the rock. Is that a bad sign of doom? I have been keeping up with my water changes and have been diligent of keeping the tank clean. Some of the other corals are also showing stress. I dont have a skimmer. Is that a problem? I feed phytoplankton about twice a week and once a week i add a little Calcium, Strointium and Iodine.
Any Ideas?