HOB Surface Skimmer


Staff member
I think you will have to DIY a surface skimmer so that it will be small enough for a pico. All of the ones I have seen like the ones posted plus TOMS makes one that is basically the same will take up way too much tankspace. Maybe you could make a small overflow box with a small air chamber on each side just big enough to keep it afloat that you could put the filters intake inside. Just a thought, Skip


Staff member
I was looking through the latest edition of FAMA last night and found these filters made by Commodity Axis that have a surface skimmer made onto a HOB powerfilter, maybe they are what you are looking for. ViaAqua® VitaLife™Hang-On Back Power Filter.

On the website in one pic it shows the filter with the skimmer on it but on the product page where you have a good pic it just has a filter screen over the intake. The description does state that it removes ompurities from the waters surface though. HTH, Skip