Hermit crabs not moveing


New Member
i bought 3 hermit crabs yesterday 2 are not moveing. i pick them up & smell them but they don't smell so does that me there not dead? Could they be molting. Should i buy some shells already? Also my anemon i bought keeps moveing around doesn't stay on the rocks is this normal? Seems to prefer the sand, same as the feather duster.


New Member
If the hermits arent responding when you touch them then they may not be alive anymore.

I have to ask you about the anemone. What kind did you buy and how long have you had it? 8 gallons is no-go for anemone. Yes, it is quite common for anemones to move around until they find a spot for their foot that feels secure for them. Honestly, I would sell that thing stat. You can save yourself the mess of the anemone getting sucked up and spit out a pump or dieing and taking out your tank.



New Member
Why would the guy at the lfs tell me i should have one to go with the clown? So you think the crab is dead then. Now your makeing me really worried.


New Member
i have some small anemones which came with the rock (not aipsta) also the guy at the petshop might either be trying to get money or didnt know much and just suggested it :neutral: . you might like the zoas they resemble anemones as they are related (i think) there is another one but cant remember but try some corals that look like anemones easier :cool1: and not as expensive (sometimes :roll: )


New Member
Jesse's right about the anemone. I've had two. a long tentacle and now a green bubble tip. Long tentacles prefer the sand and bubble tips prefer the rock. If your's isn't finding a place to lock it's foot into then it's going to keep roaming around untill it gives up and dies. What kind of anemone is it? 8 gallon tank doesn't provide enough space for it. Also what kind of lighting do you have? They need a lot of light too. The other thing with anemones is they will kill any coral they come in contact with. If you want coral then the anemone just isn't a good idea.

Sorry. Don't trust your LFS and try to research things before you purchase them. it'll save you time and money. I've learned to many lessons the hard way. :roll: Let us know what you decide.


New Member
Yup, I've got a 12 gallon and I'd never put an anemone in there. They move around WAY too much. It will end up either sucked down your overflow or chopped up through the bottom of your powerhead. Either situation will ruin your (and your tank's) day.

I made the mistake of any anemone in my 20 gal high and I'll never make it again. A clown in a 8 gallon is also not going to work. At most, one tiny 1 inch fish will work in your tank but even that is pushing it.

Do not trust your LFS guy. They have a tendency to push the product and not necessarly have the experience as everyone on this forum. I've been running nanos for eight years and I'm still learning from folks on this forum...

Take your purchases back and demand store credit. Get some zoas and mushrooms and watch them fill up your tank! Best of luck and keep us updated.


New Member
Just to add to the voices, LFS are good for being there when you need them and not having to ship anything. But they are for profit. Not all LFS are evil, just make sure you do your part and be an informed shopper. NEVER buy anything on impulse. If there is something you THINK you must have. Ask the LFS to hold it for you one day to give you time to research that critter BEFORE putting it in your tank. Try to culture a solid long term relationship with your LFS and help out where you can.