Help -- Which One is the Best Tank??


New Member
Before I buy it, which would be the best, the JBJ 28 Gallon Nano Cub HQI or the RedSea 130D

The Red Sea is the most expensive, but does that equate to it's the best??

Thanks much for any help.


New Member
Not really, as far as I know they're pretty much the same. Just the red sea is newer and more modern looking. The red sea is larger(34g right?), if so, if you are new it would be a little easier to keep water tempraments in check as it takes longer for them to change in larger volumes of water, but 6g isnt much of a difference.

I've only talked to a few people with the red sea, but know a lot with the JBJ and they're really satisfied.

It's really up to you, go with the one you like best. But the good thing about buying a cheaper aquarium, you'll have the money to upgrade stuff that could have been crappy on both, whereas with the pricey one, you might not be able to replace stuff right away.

here is a site that compared them: ... 8644&st=20

hth, Josh


New Member
True, value is a perception. Look what each one offers and see if there is something that one has that you want.


New Member
JBJ or RedSea

Many thanks for your help, Tim and Josh. I think I might go with the JBJ. Saves money and I can buy other stuff!!! Right, what's the big deal with 6 gallons more?!!! :)


New Member
Hi Neighbor!!

It looks like the tank I want sells like hot cakes!

I just went on eBay and they have the JBJ 28 gal and the stand for $499!!! Pay day is not until next Thursday. Darnit!