Help -Nanocube 12 DX and protein Skimmer / filtration


New Member
Hi All,

I just purchased a nanocube 12 DX and need to figure out what protein skimmer will work.

Has anyone cut out the back/top of the canopy and put a remora or other quallity hang-on skimmer on one of these?

I tried a Prizm a couple of years ago on a different tank and immediately returned it. I know there is a Fission Skimmer becoming available but have serious doubt about any skimmer small enough to fit in one of the compartments in the back of this thing.

Any other filtration suggestions besides a refugium and surface skimmer?

I like the idea of a built in hood etc, but I'm having buyer's remorse and thinking about possibly returning this thing and just put my own tank together. I've had successful salt and reef tanks for about 8 years - no tanks for approx one year (long stoory) now and getting back to it.

Thanks in advance for your help!
-The Dog


New Member


New Member
I returned the cube. Some seem to have success with these but I want a skimmer on the back 24/7

I'm getting a 12g with a box in the back with a surface skimmer and to place for heater and remora skimmer. This setup is more expensive, but way better.



New Member
Why do you feel the need for a skimmer rudedog? I have a nano 12 and haven't used a skimmer. Just wondering if i missed something here. I have updated the pump to 150 gal hour and don't have the protein slick. Prior to this, yes I might have needed a skimmer. New pump much cheaper than a skimmer. Frankly, you don't need any kind of filter-skimmer ect., in my experience. Just enough rock, sand, macro, and a clean up crew w/o overfeeding your fish and you'll have a closed sustainable system. I do water changes once a week (10%) but I have heard of people not even doing this. To borrow an old computer phrase, nanos are TURN-KEY systems, just replace the pump to a more powerful one or you'll have problems. If you can't afford a new pump and want a skimmer cheaply, you can search this site to where you can buy a plastic thing for 20 bucks that directs the slick into the sponge filters. Sorry, but can't remember the exact thread.


New Member
Chubosco, you have a nanocube? how long has it been up for?

I feel that a protein skimmer is necessary because I am not personally aware of anyone that has been able to have a successful reef tank using only LR,LS, cleanup critters and refugium/macro. By successful I mean a system that has been up and running for YEARS with thriving/growing inhabitants. Anything under a year is still maturing in my opinion.

I did have a 40g reef (mushrooms, softies and some LPS) for approx 3 years that was moderately successful using the ecosystem - a refugium with caulerpa (sp?) in "special" mud with pc lighting 24/7 to prevent sexual reproduction. But this system never worked/kept nutrients down enough.

A protein Skimmer is not the same as a device that surface skims/removing the surface slick. A protein skimmer removes organic wastes as well as other things. A surface skimmer allows you to pull water from the surface into whatever filtering device you are using. The tank I am setting up (a 25g Truvu) will have surface skimming as well as a protein skimmer.

note: a protein skimmer doesn't discriminate and also pulls essential trace elements out of the water - so it isn't perfect either... these need to be replaced with supplements and/or water changes.

So, all the tanks that look the best, are healthy, thriving and have been around the longest - that I know of - use protein skimmers (and expensive ones). I am not saying that there aren't people with successful tanks using the same method as you; I just think that in the long run protein skimming is a better way. There's a good chance I'll add a refugium as well for its benefits.



New Member
they have a nano skimmer made for those tanks. Im not sure if they are being sold yet but they were suppose to be released soon. i believe nanocustom has them.


Staff member
They are taking pre-orders right now but they should be in either the end of this week or the first of next week according to Chris at Nanocustoms ( ). They are called Fission skimmers.


New Member
Hey Rudedog what's up? You are the first person tell me about a tank dying w/o a skimmer. My tank isn't a year old yet, but will be Feb first. I do water changes once a week in my 10 gal nano. I change one gal out. Have three fish, red shrimp, green brain, yellow leather, sun coral and so much more. I hope they don't die Feb 1. Brain and leather are really getting too big. I have talked to people who don't even do water changes or have a filter with no problems. Guess time will tell.


New Member
doesn't sound like the first person whose ordered from nanocustoms is happy though. Here's a copy of the review

"by Richard Smolen Date Added: Sunday 13 November, 2005

Wouldn't know, I ordered one over a week ago when I saw they had them in stock and nothing has shipped yet. I was charged for this but again nothing has shipped as yet.

Spend your money too and see what you get.

Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!]



New Member

I did not mean to cause you alarm.

From my personal experience I wouldn't consider calling a tank successful/call the methods and equipment I use successful until well past a year. That is all I meant by the mention of "years."

Observations of what works and does not work during that 1st year are very important, but those observations/opinions need to be looked in light of the fact that the tank is still maturing.

I'm confident there are an abundance of reef aquariums that have been /are currently successful without a protein skimmer and use LS/DSB, LR and macro algea. I'm almost positive that's how the first successful corals were kept in captivity "many" moons ago.

I guess my biggest point is for the readers/first-timers of this thread looking to start a reef tank. They need to do their research on the equipment necessary as well as the needs of the animals they will be keeping in their aquarium.

DONT' just buy a nano cube because you saw some cool pics of one with some corals that have only been in it for a few days/weeks or months and it looks awesome. That does not mean necessarily that the corals are healthy/thriving and/or that you will eb able to do the same.

And if they do not make an educated decision to go without a protein skimmer, IE don't get one because they read that they don't need one - and stopped right there, don't want to spend $, don't know what a protein skimmer does, don't know what a substrate does, what a deep sand bed does, what macro algae/refugium does.

Bow-Wow... woof