help me please


New Member
Hey everyone, i am new to this and i want to setup a nano reef tank. I was thinking about a jbj nano cube, can you reccomend a place online to buy one and also what else do i need? im confused, your help would be appreciated.


New Member
Welcome to Nanotank 124Chris :thumb:
I think nanocubes are great but unfortunately I can't give you much background b/c I'm not sure what they come with stock from the store. You will need to start off by thinking about what kind of lighting you are going to put in the stock hood and what kind of corals you want to keep. You will most likely have to do a little modification if the retro lighting doesn't exactly fit but no biggie. Then you must start thinking about some kind of filtration especially if you plan on having fish in the tank. Two of my tanks have no fish in them whatsoever so you might choose this route which is fine b/c you will have less waste in the water. Protein skimmers might also be a good route to help clean your water. I have one on my 20 gal. There is lots of other equipment you will need such as powerheads, etc but we can get to that later in the process. Right now concentrate on what tank and size and what lighting.

As for online stores, you'll just need to shop around. Do searches for JBJ nanocube on google and you should get tons of hits. Maybe take a look at our sponsors at this site and see what they have. Keep us posted...


New Member
Thanks, i found a store, the tank comes with built in wet dry filtration and a 24 watt lamp. I am confused about lighting, i want to keep soft corals, like the ones in your 5.5 gallon and a clownfish, im not sure if the lighting is good enough that comes with it. Do you know? What would you reccomend.


New Member
What are the specifics of the tank you're looking at? How many gallons, filter, etc. Can you post a link to it? We can go from there.

The good news is that soft corals generally require less light but are just as interesting in my opinion.


New Member
I'd look on ebay for them....I've seen new ones regularly go for $100-$110 shipped. If you're patient, they come up on, and periodically for about $100...If you're lucky you can get a used one for that price that's already been modded with a light upgrade, which is the most common upgrade for these tanks.

But then again I try not to buy anything in this hobby at new prices . :lol:

The 24w lamp that it comes with would be sufficient for some mushrooms, perhaps anthelia, and xenia. Perhaps some polyps. If you want to keep a clown it won't care what kind of lights you have on it, unless you want to try to keep an anemone for it to host in, which most folks like to do. If that's the case then you'll definitely need to upgrade your lights, because the anemone won't survive under the stock lights.



New Member
Nice little tank. Just to give you an idea, I have 64 total watts on my 5.5 gallon so 24 watts on a 12 gallon is really on the low side. I would suggest upgrading the lighting or as Incysor said, look around for one that already has the lighting swapped out. You really wouldn't want to limit yourself that much but I guess you could always upgrade later. Matt, who made my canopies, might be able to help you out with a custom canopy.


New Member
Hey Chris,
I ran across some threads a while ago about the NEW 12 gal Nano Cube deluxe. It came out this month and comes with (2) 24 watt CF lamps instead of one. I would try to find that one and then you can pretty much keep everything stock. Might be a little more expensive but def. worth it if you don't have to modify it.

here is a link:


Active Member
Chris read your post. So did you ever get your 29 gallon in the end? What did you start off with, how does it look? Are you happy with what you got?

I'l like to help out if you got the Nano since I have one myself the deluxe and I moded it out to 78 watts.

In reality with water displacement the deluxe has about 10 pounds max of salt water, 8 if you went with a lot of Live Rock like me....

let me know if I can help,



New Member
so true

mikeguerrero said:
Chris read your post. So did you ever get your 29 gallon in the end? What did you start off with, how does it look? Are you happy with what you got?

I'l like to help out if you got the Nano since I have one myself the deluxe and I moded it out to 78 watts.

In reality with water displacement the deluxe has about 10 pounds max of salt water, 8 if you went with a lot of Live Rock like me....

let me know if I can help,


Very true. He helped pick out a tank for my girlfriend, and it was the jbj nanocube deluxe *12 gallon* 48 watts, more than enough for what I got going on. Be sure to check out the pics in nanos 20 and under, you'll see pics of my nano cube deluxe and also mike's as well.


Active Member

Have you gotten your Cube yet. If not, has a sale on there deluxe model for I believe $129.00 brand new. Regular price, I've seen them at $149.99.



New Member
i wonder...

if they got bigger...did they put stronger lights? More than 48 watts this time? I'm yet to see somebody pick it up yet...but would love to see pics of one setup by a member here.

At the LFS 2 min from my house, there is one setup, real sweeeeeet.


New Member
Re: i wonder...

dragon79 said:
if they got bigger...did they put stronger lights? More than 48 watts this time? I'm yet to see somebody pick it up yet...but would love to see pics of one setup by a member here.

At the LFS 2 min from my house, there is one setup, real sweeeeeet.
They've got 2 36w bulbs in it if I remember correctly. I didn't have time to really get a close look, so I don't know if they've got pre-installed fans or not. The one I saw was out of the box, but it wasn't set up with anything in it.



New Member
Re: i wonder...

incysor said:
They've got 2 36w bulbs in it if I remember correctly. I didn't have time to really get a close look, so I don't know if they've got pre-installed fans or not. The one I saw was out of the box, but it wasn't set up with anything in it.

I'll verify it B, and let you and the others know when I visit that LFS that has it on display...