help buying nano tank!


New Member
hi guys im new to this forum. i got say this forum community awesome , iv learned alot and saw sum kool nano tank setups. i have a 60g sw tank manly coral and fishs, and now i want to get a nano tank , the thing is i got a 130us$ budget any Suggestions u guys can recommend?( im looking for sumthing in the 12g range) THANKS



New Member
welcome to nanotank.... :mrgreen:.

JBJ nanocubes are probably the most popular, you would definitly want to get the DX model though. Aquapod makes a 12gal also. there is also the all glass aquarium route. HTH


New Member
thanks for the reply. yeah i was checking out the jbj tanks and their nice. do u know any good store websites i can check out or posibly order from


New Member
:welcome 71RAw and well ill say JBJ 12g DX cube or even better the same but with lighting upgrade... check NANOTUNERS.COM... for the tanks and possible upgrade hoods they sell or DIY kits for upgrade your 12gnc hood or aquapod...


New Member
I dont know about the JBJs but the 12g aquapod has 3 seperate switches for each type of lighting (actinic daylight and moonlight) with seperate plugs for all so you can set up a sunrise/sunset scheme which is nice. I love mine and its doing pretty well I'd say (knock on wood)


New Member
I love my Biocube8. Great setup, course I ripped out all the stock internals and upgraded!!! Really pleased with the tank and lights so far!!