Happy New Year


New Member
I hope everyone has a Happy New Year.

Please stay safe and if you have to be out and about use extra caution while on the roads.


New Member
Want to hear something funny
I fell and fractured the ankle :lol: and sore from head to toe from falling down a flight of steps :lol3: what a way to end the year and start the new one :lol: every one be safe and happy new year :lol:


Active Member
Wow Sadie,

That's not a laughing matter, I really hope you are okay. My grandmother missed the last step on a set of stairs leading to my brothers basement.

She didn't brake her ankle but crashed her knee and face on the cement; she's okay but it was very scary.

I am glad you didn't fall but caught yourself from taking a flight of stairs; that could've been deadly.


Please be safe during the new year....


New Member
Im sorry to hear that Sadie, I hope you feel better soon!

Make them wait hand and foot on you for awhile :mrgreen:


New Member
Happy New Year everyone. Have fun, and be safe tonight.

Sadie, I'm sorry to hear it. That sucks. Well, drink heavily tonight and try to have fun anyway. :lol:



Staff member
Sorry to hear about your accident Sadie, thankfully you didn't get hurt any worse than you did. Now would be a good time to lay the guilt on your family and get the reef gifts they forgot on your birthday and Christmas!! :twisted:


New Member
:lol: :lol: sady that's funny but at the same time ouch.... sorry to heard that you started the NEW YEAR WITH THE WRONG FOOT :D anyways hope you get better and feeling ok... :nurse

AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL AND :beer2: :alc CHEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSS :beer2: :beer2: :beer2: :alc: :alc: :alc: :alc:
