Good cleaning crew for 12G AP?


New Member
I have had my 12 gallon Aqua Pod set up for about two weeks. Last weekend I had my first sign of algae growing. It has grown pretty rapidly since. I have 20lbs of sand and 15lbs of cured live rock in it from the start.

When am I ready for a cleaning crew?
What should I start with?


Staff member
Another thing to consider is that if the tank is still cycling there is no need to have any lights on, additional light makes algae grow faster. This is especially true in the increased nutrient enviorment you have during cycling.


New Member
I did not know about the lights being on. I have had them on during the day since I set it up.

I will check the water tonight when I get home.


New Member
This maybe a little off topic but, would that be true for heating (water temp) also?



New Member
OK, I just tested are the results

Ammonia 0
Nitrate 10
Nitrite 0
Alkalinity 300
pH level 8.4