Goby pistol shrimp combo


New Member
I've been considering getting a goby/pistol shrimp combo for my 5.5. Do you guys think that a pair would be okay in my 5.5 gal? The only other fish in there is the red headed goby. Would they be compatible?

I know there are many goby/shrimp pairs out there. Which pair would you consider the best and most interesting?



Active Member
I have the Yosha goby pair and when I added them to my nano cube, the bigger one divorced his mate and shacked in with my pistol shrimp. I was sad to see the pair break up there relationship for a ugly little shrimp...



New Member
i have been thinking of doing the same but unfortunitly my LFS never gets pistol shrimp in. they told me they could order one but it would cost me.....to much cha ching for a shrimp....randall's pistol shrimp or tiger pistol shrimp, not sure of which goby though..


New Member
Yeah, couldnt get them to work either. :cry:

I think I might go with either of those two. I will prob. order them.


New Member
Ok...The links work now.....I just copied a post I already had on RC, and for some reason it shortened the links.
