Glass Thickness ??? Help ???


New Member
Ozonizer, ORP controller, and a Tunze Turbelle Stream Pump! That's what a call a major upgrade Mike. :thumbup:
This is so awesome and it's going to be a tremendous help to circulate water at low pressure, decrease dissolved wastes, and maintain a clean and stable environment for your critters. Congratulations on the new upgrades.

P.S. I am a big fan of the Tunze Stream Pumps, and one thing that I never liked about powerheads is that they are just to strong with a direct flow, which can stress the corals. Are you planning to use the Tunze wavemaker controller, or are you going to continue using the RK as a wavermaker?

I hope the Powder Blue Tang is doing fine in his new home. Did he recover well from the few ich spots he got when he first arrived?


Staff member
If you still have excess 03 problems you may also have to make a carbon chamber to go on top of your skimmer collection cup, this is another place that 03 can escape. Some manufacturers like Red Sea make an extension for carbon for their cups. This may not be a problem just some additional info.


Active Member

Powder blue is eating like crazy but he's not out of the woods yet... Remember that ich comes in waves and he's on page 3 of the book.... First wave was bad, second not too bad, but the third came back like the first.

The good note is that he's eating and the others have a little scratching but not much more than that, no visible signs.

I was debating about going No ich but I said no, I'll wait at least one more week and I'm in the process of connecting the Ozone so that should help.

I'm planning on keeping the Maxi jets as the wavemakers as they are doing a superb job, and the Tunze as supplement water movement.

Andre, the Tunze is on my birthday request from my wife so I don't have it yet. I did ask her for the controller and the photocell.

Skipm, thanks for the heads up on the carbon.



New Member
hope powder blue gets better and quick question.... kick ick is same as no ich or the second one is better and what if the fish is just scratching but not signs of ick or stress and eating like a pig... lets say is not ick but just in case you dose one of the medications i mentioned that will be bad for the livestock or not ... you know dosing without ick being presented.....

eddy :cool1:

P.S: i ask cause my firefish keeps scratching since i got him 1month 1/2 but never seen a dot of ick or anything jesse sow it and he was like me couldnt see a spot of ick at all...... but i was planing on dosing just in case the kick ick or should i stick with my garlic deep every 2 weeks????

nitrate 15 nitrite 0 amonia 0 ph 8.2 gravity .22 temp 79(during light period)


Active Member

You should be fine without having to dose at least not yet. I have read that ich can be present in all aqua systems sometimes in high quantaties sometimes very low.

But it's there just like our common cold is there waiting for our immune system to drop and then it invades very oportunistic the ich is.

Ich is dangerous if left untreated and it becomes an epidemic. Your fish scratching could be many things other than ich but just watch over him make sure you don't see the first dots appear over his body, if so the ich is starting to manifest itself.

Then we can talk some more....



New Member
ok ill keep an :shock: (eye) on him but is kind of odd (bad spelling) cause never signs of ick and he is been scratchin since he got to the tank??? but no red things on him or signs of internal bleding ... looks quite fine... swimmes fine eats fine but scary cat and always close to his cave ... :lol: :lol: but just wondering cause i dont want ick again i have been without ick 2 months..... thats good haaa

eddy :cool1:


New Member

I know this off the topic, but now that you've mentioned, I couldn't help to just notice this... :shock: :shock: :shock: Ed, you have over 415 posts, and about two weeks ago I had noticed you had just become a devoted member w/ 200 posts. This is really impressive, and all I can say is that you've learned so much these past few months and your critters must be loving you now, since you are doing such a good job with your tank, and keeping their environment so clean. ;-)


New Member
aaaaahhhhhh ANDRE that was a nice thing to say and yes im doing my best to help when i can and also doing all i can to gave a happy and healthy tank... no more stupidity on my part.... :lol: :lol: and there still alot to learn....

eddy :cool1:


New Member
This is a challenging ever-learning reef experience, and this is one things that makes me and many other reefers so passionate about this hobby. :mrgreen:


New Member
As long as the ich doesn't become epidemic and fish is eating well, he should be able to slowly fight the waves of the parasite cycle. As you've mentioned before, the most important factor is that the tang is eating well. I've been soaking their food with Kent garlic extract, and I have had very positive results so far.

The ozonizer will also help to destroy a large variety of waste materials, toxins and kill numerous harmful pathogens, which is a very effective method of maintaining a clean environment, by sterilization and purification of the water. In the long run the ozonizer is going to be a indispensable weapon to keep good water quality and a disease free environment.