Thanks I went with the cyclop - eeze and can not detect any real dead spot issues . I was thinking that the reason my zoas were not opening up , so today I moved them placed a piece of egg crate beneath them and blew them off with a turke baster I will wait a few days to see I also saw what appeared to be algea but I am not sure , I wiped them off with the rubber gloves that I had on and placed them under a power head just to blow the remaining debris off . I have one or 2 polyps that are opening but the others just are not , the pet store had them on a bare bottom tank so I lifted them up , the other zoas are fine and opened up , I just tested again saturday night the tests were as follows
SPG 1.26
nitrAte 0
nitrIte 0
ammonia 0
high ph 8.4
lights are 72 watts power compact .
I added some chemi pure 3 weeks ago and carbon is due for change tomorrow and is rated for 150 gph
power heads are 2 rated at 145 (I think )
H20 changes weekly at 1.5 gallons
feeding is relatively light at 3 times a week small amounts of brine shrimp , some cyclop - eeze , smorgasboard liquid and some pellets (all very light )
I removed a peppermint shrimp and they still are not opening I thought that maybe the clown was trying to host him but I have not seen him do that in a while .Then I read some where to check the flow and make sure that they are getting sufficent flow (as you could tell from the above question ) So I am still perplexed as to why they are not happy .
:?: :?: