flipping rock


New Member
just redid our tank to make more room in it for future additions (the misses wants more things but doesn't want to have another tank ) lol
so removed about 15 lbs of rock ( now in qt tank) so now we have plenty of room for some new additions
in doing so we reset alot of the rock but all of the algea is on the bottom of it now should I be worried that the algea will die off coralline also or is this really a worry about 30% of the rock now is white 70% still shows
algea &or some type of growth on it ( so should I consider this to be new rock?) as if I were starting over ?
also will doing this cause my levels in waterquality to change
nitrites 0.05
ammonia 0.00
nitrates 0.10
ph ok
4 fish
1 shrimp
1 starfish
1/2 doz snails
1/2 doz hermits
24 glln tank


New Member
i never worry about which side is "up" in aquascaping; fit, shape, overall appearence is more important, the coraline will come again

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
As has been said, in aquascaping fit and appearance is all.
However, I would add a tip that I read somewhere. If you place rocks 'upside down' i.e. opposite to their natural point of balance it looks more realistic. Thus a pyramid shaped rock would be placed on its apex rather than its base. I think there is a lot of truth in this. It certainly creates better possibilities for natural overhangs and caves.
You need to deal with the stability problem. I did so by cementing the 'unbalance' point of the rocks with 'holdfast' to small plates of acrylic which are buried in the sand.

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
I favor cyanoacrylate adhesives (super glues) since they are well proven to have no toxic effects on fish, but no doubt marine epoxies are fine too.


New Member
both will work but it takes a ton of glue if you go that route. i'm not a big stacker but many people use 2 part but pin the rock first by drilling and using PVC, plexy, or fiberglass shafts like a doweling. this alows you to create really neat looking overhangs safely. it also allows you to make free standing bommie shapes that do not touch glass on any side to help improve flow around, behind, and through the rock.