Fission Power Skimmer


New Member

Im new here, well posting because i have been reading like 2 months jeje.

I have a question, but search was not my friend this time and its about the skimmer from current usa named fission power skimmer.

I want one for my 8 gallon Nano, but i have read 2 opposite things, one says its the best and the others a piece of sh..

What do you think about this skimmer? I mean, we are talking for a 8 or less fish tank.



New Member
Their piece of craps don't waste your money. At the least get a 60 air-lift berlin skimmer or if you do have the money a sapphire skimmer.


New Member
Trogdor said:
IMO you probably don't need one in that small of a tank if you keep up with water changes
Thats another option, but the aquarium guy told me that will make changes of chemistry in water and was not the best idea. I dont know...:scratchchin:



New Member
islandcreation said:
Their piece of craps don't waste your money. At the least get a 60 air-lift berlin skimmer or if you do have the money a sapphire skimmer.
The problem i have is space and the cover of the tank. I cannot have any skimmer inside, and that was the only one that really can get into. DO you any other brand with a very similar size?



New Member
fer14 said:
Trogdor said:
IMO you probably don't need one in that small of a tank if you keep up with water changes
Thats another option, but the aquarium guy told me that will make changes of chemistry in water and was not the best idea. I dont know...:scratchchin:

The first thing that you will learn in this hobby is that you can't trust 99% of what an LFS (local fish store) says. Most are out to make a dollar and will try to sell you just about anything. Water changes are essential in a nano tank. It's the best way to replenish spent nutrients and trace elements. It's also one of the best way to remove waste in the water column. 10-20% water change weekly is what I would suggest. Others might recommend smaller and more frequent changes. Just keep up with the water changes and your tank will usually look great.


New Member
fer14 said:

Im new here, well posting because i have been reading like 2 months jeje.

I have a question, but search was not my friend this time and its about the skimmer from current usa named fission power skimmer.

I want one for my 8 gallon Nano, but i have read 2 opposite things, one says its the best and the others a piece of sh..

What do you think about this skimmer? I mean, we are talking for a 8 or less fish tank.

Fisrt off... :welcome to!

Secondly, despite what the fish guy told you, there is no NEED for a skimmer in that size tank. Frequent water changes, say, 10%-20%/week and one larger water change per month, will keep everything including the trace elements and nitrates just about where they should be.

Thirdly, the Fisiion skimmer is pretty much worthless as mentioned before. It has been proven to not perform AT ALL... waste of money. What kind of tank do you have? The reason I ask is there is a guy out there making skimmers designed to run in the rear chamber of Nano Cubes and Bio-Cubes. They allow you to still keep the lid down too.

What do you plan to keep in this tank coral-wise? How many fish do you plan to have? I personally wouldnt suggest anything more than two small gobies/blennies, etc.

Carbon can be your best friend. Running carbon and replacing half of it or so every 2 weeks can work wonders. There have been several studies done on carbon and Marineland's Black Diamond is a great choice every time. If you dont want to pay the Marineland price, go with the HBH brand of GRANULATED carbon (not pelleted) that can be bought at any PetSmart for about $9 for the 1.87L size... this is what I run myself.

Anyways, I hope that helps...
