Fission nano skimmer for NC 24g ?


New Member
I have been thinking about getting myself one of these, but i have heard mixed opinions on how well they work. so are they worth while, do they do a sufficiant job ?

Ritsuko N

New Member
I havent personally tried this skimmer but this seems to be the over all theme regarding this skimmers performance from what I have seen on various forums. I dont think I have herd one good thing said about them to be honest with you. Lack of skimate accumulation and the micro bubble issue seems to be the two biggest complaints. Definitely might want to do some serious research on it before you spring any fun dollars for them.

But then again I have herd much trash talked about what a piece of garbage the Berlin Airlift 60 is, but yet I have two of them pulling yeoman duty on 2 of my nanos and I am pleasantly pleased with its performance. Im not going to go out on a limb and say they are all that and a bag of chips but given its minimal cost and compact size it does seem to work well enough to justfiy thier continued use. Its just not good enough to be nominated for a effeciency or egineering award.

Finding a good skimmer for a Nano tank that works as advertised is really difficult. There are a lot of models out there and lots of advertising and marketing hype touting them. Few however can really "pick up the check" from what I have seen. Having a AIO tank just makes finding a skimmer that much more tougher as most of the better models are HOB and are difficult if not impossible to adapt to these better models. This is one reason I prefer "seperates" over a AIO. I got more options available...