FISSION Nano-Protein Skimmer...


New Member
wow that is small keep us posted on how well it works . Btw where did you find that and how much was it ???


New Member
well incysor and skipm told me to get it at to pre-order it cause the product was coming in this month so at that time was like $27 plus s/h and i waited 2 weeks but now they have some in stock and the price went to $27 to 32 im not sure the thing is more expensive now but they ship it really fast they send me a invoice that my item was on its way and i got it the next day.. :shock: pretty fast i say....



New Member
Congratulations. I know lots of folks are still waiting on theirs.

It may take several days to a week to break in, so that you start seeing skimmate being collected. I believe someone mentioned in another thread that if you soak it in really hot water that helps speed up the break in time.



New Member
This thing kind of suck really at first i tought was small and i started to laugh alot then when i got home i started to move everything and guess what doesnt fit in the second chamber only in 1st and 3rd so ok for now i have it in the first chamber and i was reading that i have to put a sponge in second chamber to prevent to much bubbles so i put one underneath it and i left my 2nd and 3rd chamber like they were so im not sure if is gonna work but was a really hard time to place it in the 1st chamber i wish it was a little bit more little :lol: :lol: :lol: (im writting a little complicated word :mrgreen: ) anyways thats all i can say for know doesnt fit right for 12g nano cubes or 6g maybe to the 20 g cube.... ohh well i will keep everyone posted...

i forgot ... question do i need my chemi-pure even if i have a protein skimmer? why cause i dont have space to put it only if is necesary i'll make some space ....

right now my chambers are like this

1st: sponge and at top the nano skimmer
2nd: live rock and macro
3rd: mini jet 606, heater, live rock and macro


New Member
i suck at DIY projects, so wish I could say I could help. When buyinig the product, you are really on your own unless you can get somebody with experience to help you or just do it themselves.

I'd try removing the stuff in chamber three so it just has the pump in there, and see if you can accomodate the skimmer in there. chamber 2 should suffice with rubble and the macro algae you have growing back there.


New Member
GOOD IDEA steven i'll try that one today that didnt pass through my mind ohh but also i can remove everything ( rubble and macro) but not the heater on chamber 3 mmmm see if i can fit the 3 stuffs in the 3rd chamber.....or i guess if everything fits in there except the heater i guess i should put it back to the tank and not in to chambers cause were else to put it... and talking about DIY i really suck in that one too... cause i could do something to fix the skimmer cause could fit in chamber 2 but the inconvinient is the pipe or tube that conects the thing to the pump... o well i'll try put it in chamber 3 ...


Staff member
I still haven't got mine so I think I'll give them a call. I was wondering when they were going to be shipped.


New Member
finally i fit it on my 3rd chamber i just took on of the tubes part out and it fitted with the pump and the heater perfectly so yeah is good for nanos.....

1st chamber: sponge, chemipure and sponge
2nd chamber: LR and macro
3rd chamber: skimmer, heater and minijet mn 606

know wait to see how my water improves :razz: