First water test.


New Member
So, my tank has been filled with live sand and live rock for a week and a half. I had a diatom outbreak which is beginning to clear. I did my first water test today with the API saltwater test kit I picked up. Anyway my results are as follows.

Temp - 79.2
Salinity - 1.023
PH - 8.4
Amonia - 0 ppm
Nitrite - 0 ppm
Nitrate - 0 ppm

The only chemical I have put in the tank is calcium.

With these readings how much longer do you guys think I should wait to put a cleanup crew and maybe a fish in the tank?

Also, I know there are other things I need to test for. What test kits do you use?


New Member
:welcome to Nanotank!

Looks like a good set of readings. Honestly as far as testing goes I test what I does beyond what you already have. Did you ever have a spike in ammonia or nitrite? If not I would wait a bit longer before adding anything. If you did go ahead and add in a small crew now.