First timer, Nanocube DX 12G.


New Member
Hello Everyone. I just purchased and set up a 12 Gallon Nanocube DX in my office. For cycling, I've added 3 LBS of live rock, 10 LBS of sand and 8.5 Gallons of treated water. The water was from one of the tanks at the LFS, they said it would help the cycle along and get me ready faster.

Next steps... I'm not sure about!

I want to add some soft corals and a cleaning crew (once it's cycled). I'm open for ideas. I'm THINKING, not sold on the idea of, getting a shrimp, a goby, a starfish and a couple hermits. I might do a Gramma, as long as the tank stays stabile.

For corals, I was thinking about some polythoa, corraline algae and perhaps a mushroom or small leather.

Once it's cycled, I'm going to add another 7-10 LBS of rock, to house my coral. Based on my rough estimations, this will still leave a lot of room for additions.

Let me know your ideas, etc. This tank is an open book! If it goes well, I will be doing a much larger reef tank at my house. I wanted to do a small trial, to make sure I'm not going to waste a lot of money, time and fishy lives.

Thank you all in advance.


New Member
Not getting a lot of replies!!!

I went ahead and added some more live rock. Once it's cycled, I will add some snails and then start thinking about cleaners and corals.



New Member
Looks better with the extra rock. I'd add even more up to the point of your total goal and let the cycle take place all at once.
Be patient and be sure cycle is complete before adding any animals. The temptation to move too quickly is the demon we face when setting up a reef.
Stock list looking fine, except I'd wait on the star fish until your tank is established for a year. you'll prolly have some asternia stars show up anyway and wonder where they came from:)


New Member

Richmond said:
Not getting a lot of replies!!!

I went ahead and added some more live rock. Once it's cycled, I will add some snails and then start thinking about cleaners and corals.

how are things now i am new haven't had a fish tank since i was little i just went to bahamas and took some rock back from the ocean and wanted to start a salt water tank.