andy.wise said:
by the looks of it , you set up 1st january? and you have a anemone and corals 16 days later?
A few days prior to that - that was just the first time I posted with the completed build.
andy.wise said:
i know its hard to resist buying them early, but really is best to let your tank settle down just with live rock for a while before anything.
I did. I left it "settled" for about a week before adding even a cleanup crew.
andy.wise said:
have you tested you KH and calcium yet?
Yes. I believe I posted stats earlier in the thread...
andy.wise said:
if you want to keep your ph stable, you have to keep you KH stable first.
Did I mention I was having problems with the pH? I don't believe I did but for the record, I'm not and they're both nice and stable.
andy.wise said:
once the kh is stable too, it keeps your calcium buffed
Thus increasing the calcium availability to the corals and coralaceous algae, who will consume it and use it to build their skeleton and leave pretty colours on my rock, respectively. I'm aware of the theory.
TimSchmidt said:

Let's keep it nice from all sides

His previous posts have discussed timing already.
Indeed they have. Is there any way to make the applicable previous posts 50-point, bright red, bold and flashing at roughly 2 hertz? Seeing as they're obviously fading into the background. ( :razz: )
Onto other matters - I hit a few aiptasia on my zoanthid frag with some Joe's Juice last night; I couldn't help but drop a bit on the Zoas who got rather angry and disappeared. I got it off them before it could do any MAJOR damage, but they stayed closed for a few hours. This afternoon they are open again, bright and happy like they were before the treatment. And the aiptasia are nowhere in sight.
The BTA is still slowly making his way around the tank, trying to find a good spot. He appears to have settled around the middle, sortof underneath a frogspawn's shadow. He's still doing well, and getting bigger also. Flash and Namor (ocellaris) are doing fine, as is the Lobophylia - funkn, I took your advice and switched stuff off early last night but he didn't stick tentacles out before I went to bed. However at 4 o'clock this morning he had opened his edges up and lots of little tentacles were sticking it - i fed him some meaty chunk things, he seemed to like them.
Andy - I appreciate that you want to point stuff out/teach a newbie a few things but please try and read the whole thread before posting, it'll give you a better idea of what's been transpiring. For the record, the tank has been "up" for about 48 days, so almost 7 weeks. I will admit it cycled surprisingly fast, but every test I did indicated it HAD cycled completely, and this was corroborated by several different sources.